Monday, May 15, 2023

I’m Dazzled and Amazed | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, May 15, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I’m dazzled and amazed reflecting on the Mother creating a new species of human beings.

At the same time, this is the sunset of an old species, homo sapiens, as Ivo of Vega reminds us:

Ivo: Yes. This is an extinction[-level] event. On planet Earth, only certain types of DNA will evolve or ascend. Other types of DNA will not. Homo Sapiens is slated for extinction. Homo Universalis will prevail. (1)

I’m amazed at how this extinction-level event will occur.

There will simply be no more homo sapiens born. Everyone born after our Ascension will be homo universalis.

Since I signed up for the role of pillar, I may literally end up the last man standing! (2)

I’m dazzled by the scale of the event but also by the ease with which it will occur.

The Mother asked:

Divine Mother: Do you think, feel, know it is inappropriate of me to birth a new species of humans? … Because that is exactly what I am doing. (3)

Not inappropriate. I’m astonished at the magnitude of it. And at the thought of being around when it’s happening and knowing that it’s happening.

And it’s happening just like that. No natural selection. Not even a mutation. Just a change of model on the production floor and only the new model comes off the production line after that.

Out with natural selection. Out with Social Darwinism and the “white man’s rule” based on it. They failed to detect the operative mechanism in spiritual evolution – the Divine Mother and her angels.

We’ve evolved according to the Mother’s wishes, her will, her plan. (4) The Mother tells us:

Divine Mother: When I dream, it is done. Yes, sweet angels, my action steps fall into place simultaneously because the dream, the desire, the intention is, what you would think of, that strong that there is no distraction. (5)

At the same time:

DM: I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (6)

And it is very much in her plan that Gaia move into a new region of space where interdimensionality reigns and that all the galaxies in this universe enter this new region later, by ascending. And those who stand in the way of it will find themselves in another place. (7)

What is happening is huge, monumental, and (A) we never noticed it and (B) it goes on regardless. The fact that we never noticed it reflects the gradual nature of most of our Ascension.

For the most part, our Ascension is meant to go on in the background, unnoticed. And then we have what Michael has called the snap, the ignition, what Ramana Maharshi called Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi and Paramahansa Ramakrishna, Vijnana. (8)

That is a full and permanent heart opening, connecting our everyday self to a higher dimension of consciousness, marking the end of the need to be born and die, moksha, mukti, liberation.

Anything less is only halfway up the mountain. For this Ascension, this snap or ignition is the mountain peak.

I’ve actually experienced one of the new developments – scalar-wave medical therapy – and benefitted. That further amazes me. (9)

I’m amazed at what’s happening. I’m amazed at how it’s all going on in the background with nary a terrestrial aware of it.

I look around. There are very few people I can share my amazement with. …

… But I know I can share it with you.


(1) “Ivo of Vega: The Nature of Negativity,” through Sharon Stewart, February 22, 2021. at

(2) The lightworker role of pillar involves remaining till the end, shoving the last ones on the train, then closing the lights and shutting the doors.

AAM: Yes. Dear heart, you are a cement, marble, granite pillar. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, July 11, 2014.) [Hereafter AAM.]

AAM: You will act, at the end, to help many, many through. (AAM, Nov. 16, 2011.)

Archangel Michael: I remind you that you are a pillar, that you [are] not [to] venture too far ahead of where people are, both individually in terms of your smaller circle but also in terms of the collective. …

A very large quotient, shall we say, of you is living … in the higher-dimensional realm. Then there is a part of you that is in the morass of the chaos and the lower-dimensional realm because that’s where the work is. (AAM, Jan. 18, 2020.)

(3) Divine Mother in Linda Dillon, Thirteenth Octave Intensive Class, Oct. 24, 2020.

(4) If you’re saying to yourself, why doesn’t he capitalize “she”? Michael has asked:

Archangel Michael: We do not want anything capitalized. (AAM, Aug. 12, 2016.)

Steve Beckow: Are you okay with the four-part article on ignition?

Archangel Michael: Yes.

Steve: Okay. I didn’t know if I was being too familiar.

AAM: You know what? We want you to be familiar. (AAM, Jan. 3, 2017.)

(5) “Universal Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message ~ You Are The Champions,” January 6, 2020, at

(6) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at

(7) See:The End of Darkness on Earth: the Dawning of the Light
The Hidden War: Stopping the Illuminati
There Will be No Nuclear War for the World

(8) Here’s the Divine Mother discussing it:

Divine Mother: As you move forward in this time of transition, in this time of massive ignition, I ask you, “Are you the love?” (“Linda Dillon: Universal Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message, January 3, 2021,” at (My emphasis.)

Here’s Michael:

AAM: There are already many flying in and out, and they don’t require a snap.

Some will require the ‘Full-Snap.’ (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 21, 2014.) (My emphasis.)

Sahaja = Natural state; nirvikalpa – without form; samadhi – concentrated meditation or trance. Vijnana – Perfect jnana or perfect wisdom. Jnana is still within the Third/Fourth Dimension. Vijnana is in the Fifth. Only Vijnana is liberation from birth and death, mukti, moksha.

(9) See “Goodbye, Arthritis!” April 24, 2023, at and “Shouting from the Rooftops,” April 26, 2023, at

The arthritis has reappeared somewhat, nowhere near its former intensity. I’ll continue to have scalar-wave appointments once a month with a great deal of gratitude that there is such a therapy available. For background, see Tom Bearden on the Uses of Scalar Energy at