By Catherine Viel, February 12, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
February 11, 2023
Somewhere, always, somewhere,
there’s a day when healing comes…
I say, healing will come.
~Patricia Jabbeh Wesley, Healing Will Come: Elegy after Natural Disaster

Something’s different. What is it? Since it’s a difference I like, I want to pinpoint it and absorb it so that it becomes part of me and I don’t lose its preciousness through careless handling.
Perhaps it’s wise not to cling to anything, but to let it all flow. I’m quite happy to let unpleasantness drain away, but I’m building my castle from elements that I find pleasant, nourishing, and uplifting. This one feels like a gleaming cornerstone to set into the foundation, at the northwest corner where the wind sometimes howls into a gale.

My cat’s sick. Oh no!
Here we go again…And yet, I feel like I’ve opted for a different ride this time. Since the cat had made it clear both behaviorally and through the animal communicator that he doesn’t want conventional treatment if his stomach goes haywire, my brain jumped to the alternative track. Homeopathy? Acupressure? Reiki? Sure, let’s try all three. The home-visit vet has been alerted and will come if needed, but let’s see what we can do with home remedies, first.
I offered multiple foods and hoped one would agree with him. Instead of anguish and dread—my usual state during such episodes—I’m feeling pretty philosophical about the whole thing. The anguish and dread pop up like Nessie from her swampy loch, but like her, subside when given little attention.

Somehow, through this process, a perpetual internal tenseness has loosened a bit. My fear of “doing something wrong“ isn’t blocking my thought processes or openness to intuition. In addition to the benignity of the treatments, I know Spirit underpins and overlights when I apply acupressure, or give Reiki, or consider remedies.
It occurred to me that I am no less able to don a mantle of God than the next person. And what is a willingness to help others heal themselves than one of the mantles of the divine?
My practical and spiritual/metaphysical healer’s toolkit is not nearly as burgeoning as some. If I had a hundred years, I doubt I could master every healing modality, both physical and etheric, available through the multiverses. But what I know now, and what I can add, is adequate.

I sit in the sun-dappled family room on a balmy February day, enjoying an unexpected tranquility. Somehow, when I wasn’t looking, a willingness I didn’t realize I needed showed up. I didn’t ask for it. I didn’t even want it. But here it is. I am willing to help maintain family health with every tool I possess.
I don’t like being called upon for this role, and I don’t think it would ever delight me. I’ve never identified as a “healer.“ In fact, I would much rather have the mobile med bed (surely there’ll be such a thing) materialize on demand and administer near-instant healing should we need it.
Isn’t that the way it should be? But, until that better solution arrives, I’ll agree to be of service in this way. And be profoundly grateful for the alternative (and conventional) healers I can call upon in Santa Barbara when my rudimentary toolkit runs out of options.

One Mantle of God | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/13/2023 02:38:00 AM