(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Flip the Switch.
Go WITHIN, Straight to Heart,
Incredibly enough, the solution to ALL of the tampering by the dark of our minds and DNA, is beautifully simple and exhilarating. If we learn to go within and process information, make decisions from our now growing heart center, instead of our mind, then we effectively ‘flip the switch’ on the “matrix projector” and we begin creating a reality that mirrors our unfiltered consciousness, our Divine Consciousness.
The Heart center is that football-sized powerhouse in the middle of our chest that holds our connection to Source, where the light body is annealed to the physical body. It is a “muscle” that taps our true guidance system, where all of the universal knowledge resides.
The mind’s guidance system, on the other hand, is easily manipulated and limited to the memory it can hold.
Our heart center is the source of our existence and the ticket to the other dimensions, a place the dark so desperately wishes they could go to. High-frequency, authentic emotions like peace, love, passion, purpose, gratitude, excitement, and joy are found in the heart center.
When we train ourselves to draw from this Source, then we begin to create a high-frequency reality that mirrors our authentic selves. We are no longer making decisions that we think (mind) we have to; we are making decisions based on what we feel and want (heart). We start to create a truly divine experience that is ‘un-hackable.’
If we can consistently operate from the heart center, then we flip our own switch, and we can create whatever we want; we are multidimensional beings, so we can tune these vessels to whatever frequency we like and go there instantly. Source energy, the real us, is so incredible and limitless that it is almost too difficult to fathom for most of us; our minds are too limited to understand.
This transition to living and breathing in the heart center, also referred to as going within, grows your light body and recalibrates it to your physical body; it is the ascension process.
Ascension has been sold as if you ‘send your ass” somewhere; you don’t go anywhere; we are the technology for ascension. Flip the switch, light up this vessel and project your heaven around you; YOU create it here.
We don’t run from this dark reality; we shine so much light on it that the dark has no place to play. And if we all did this the ancient war would be over, instantly and peacefully. Seriously.
Do You Get It?
Do you really get that it really possible that the kill switch to all the elaborate enslavement by the ‘dark” is right under your nose, right now?
Flip the Switch | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
2/13/2023 02:34:00 AM