By Catherine Viel, October 15, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
October 14, 2022
I saw a man pursuing the horizon;
Round and round they sped.
I was disturbed at this;
I accosted the man.
“It is futile,” I said,
“You can never —”
“You lie,” he cried,
And ran on.
~Stephen Crane, “I saw a man pursuing the horizon”

My reaction to truly disturbing information used to be fear paralysis. Especially if the information was health-related, I would feel constriction creeping in, like a hunter with a net to trap a grazing gazelle.
But the gazelle is not stupid. It senses the hunter and the net, takes a few steps away, then bounds toward the trees and disappears. Then there’s the opposite reaction, the rabbit, who freezes just outside its burrow, paralyzed by terror.
I neither freeze like the rabbit nor instinctively zip away like the gazelle, nowadays. Instead, curiously, I find myself reaching for joy.
What would give me the most joy right now? How can I arrange something fun? What delightful self-care can I draw toward me?

It seems that all the areas of life where we’re most vulnerable are experiencing assault. I’m pretty sure that’s because such is the case. The assault on health has been ongoing for decades. Our financial lives have apparently been manipulated for millennia by the dark controllers.
We’re subliminally and overtly programmed to be fearful and reactionary from childhood on. Reaching for joy is an act of deep rebellion against the lockstep of fear that has been inculcated in our very sinews and bones.

This month, like several previous Octobers, has been labeled Red October. Commentators are revved up with excitement and anticipation. Events and disclosures are happening in the public eye. (1)
I feel that widespread, mainstream disclosure must begin very, very soon. The line in the sand of the November 8 midterms in the US draws inexorably closer, and as many have noted, with fraud in previous elections documented beyond a shadow of a doubt, how can election results be trusted now?
At minimum, mainstream media reporting some truths must happen on this side of the horizon. Not after we’ve tipped over into a darkness from which we might not easily recover.
I reach again for joy. Not retribution or bloodthirsty calls for justice against those who have grievously wronged humanity. Just joy. That is my chosen tool and I will wield it expansively, with love.

(1) For instance, as reported in this article, a Pfizer executive recently admitted that the vaccines were never tested to see if they prevented Covid transmission. This, despite claims by “health authorities” that Covid vaccines would prevent people from infecting others with the virus. In summary: they lied. https://www.theepochtimes.com/pfizer-exec-concedes-covid-19-vaccine-was-never-tested-on-preventing-transmission_4788577.html
This Side of the Horizon | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/15/2022 09:29:00 PM