Credit: Abhinavpmp.com
By Steve Beckow, October 15, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
As someone on a video said recently, we get up in the morning, eat, work, play, and sleep reacting to what the media says, our banks say, the police say, our governments say. And much, if not most of the most important matters are either lies or based on lies. (1)
Never mind changing our political stripe or TV news channel. There’s a more basic change-of-vote that has to happen first, I think. And that’s from being reactive to being proactive.
Why’s that?
The cabal depends on us being not only reactive but essentially passive in our response to their step-by-step encroachment on our civil rights. A vaccination designed to kill people is, I suppose, more than a simple encroachment on our civil rights. I think by legal definition it’d be considered not even “genocide,” but “omnicide.”
What can we do?
Set our intention and thereby become proactive. Why that? The first thing we need to do is to break the hypnotic spell our media have on us that keeps so many of us passive sheep.
Kathleen has invited me, in her universal law class, to set intention daily and, as I do so, I get to see one very, very interesting thing about it: Setting intention is itself pro-active.
When I set intention daily, I’m declaring to the universe that I’m taking action, not waiting for someone else to do it. I’m exercising my muscle of proactivity, of initiating, ultimately of creating.
By this simple act, I’m repositioning myself, repatriating myself, recasting myself in a big way. Because we’re not talking about a change of mannerism or act.
We’re talking about an alteration in stance, in positioning: I am declaring myself ready to act and have issued the instructions (my intentions). I am shifting and this is me doing my pushups.
So something that simple can be profound and powerful.
That’s all. I don’t want to make a big show of it.
If we become pro-active, we’ve basically freed ourselves from the grip of the deep state, which depends on us being reactive. It’s a mind-set, an orientation, an attitude, which the deep state has tried by every means to stamp out in us.
By a very simple step, we can take back the initiative; exercise our independence; build our pro-active muscle by setting our intention whenever and wherever possible. The cabal will have no one to play with. And we’ll become creative, productive … and pro-active in the process.
(1) That nuclear war is possible, that the Covid vaccine is safe, that 5G is not a weapon of mass surveillance and control, that climate change is causing a catastrophe, etc.
Reactive and Proactive | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/15/2022 09:30:00 PM