(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Lee Carroll, March 3, 2022, via email
We truly enjoy answering the questions we receive from Old Souls across the planet.
This one comes from Neha in England. Neha asks, “What does Kryon have to say about families who do not believe in esoterics? How do we live with them without being judged or feeling guilty?”
There is no way to convince any of your family to believe in esoteric things. So stop trying. If you or anyone hearing this, feels that what you believe here should be evangelized, just throw that idea away and put it into the bin called, “I learned that in Church.”
If you want to show your family esoterics, then show them by how you love them. This is Kryon 101. In other words, if they see a positive and loving change in you, it’s the very best way to show them that you have something that’s working.
So the premise is that they probably don’t have much that’s working and unlike most, they’re somewhat dysfunctional, perhaps even angry everyday to each other.
Well, that’s just human nature. And often it’s a life without much peace or purpose.
Part of showing this love to them is being patient with them when they make fun of you. That’s tough, folks. Honestly, I’ve been through it. I want to give you one of Kryon’s Axioms for Mastery. Are you ready? “Mastery does not react, mastery observes. And then it considers the best compassionate action.”

Now, it takes maturity to do this, by deciding not to react to what they say. Don’t defend what you are doing (never defend it). Instead, find something gracious to say, that is often disarming of the situation, or will put them in a different mood.
For example, let’s say your brother comes and says, “Hey, are you still in contact with all those ETs at the Kryon meeting?” Laugh, laugh, laugh. Answer from you, “Sure I am. And they told me to say hello to the best brother anyone could ever have.” Don’t react. Instead, love.
Neha, this is one of the most difficult things we do because it’s with our own family or friends. They know us so well, but you’ve got to mean it… the love. It really is an answer to your question and it’s the best one.
Now, start slow and see if this is a viable solution for you, never feel guilty for anything. Try your best to love your family so much that they’ll know that you’ve really found something that’s working and they can see it in you.
Who knows? Some of them may come to you secretly and ask you how you did it. Don’t make them right. Don’t don’t make them wrong. Just love them.
When Someone in Your Life Doesn’t Believe in Esoterics | Kryon via Lee Carroll
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/05/2022 12:18:00 AM