(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
Does anybody remember Mad Magazine?
Oh man, that was a favorite in the 70’s. I think it can still be found in some fashion or other. As one of the favorite alternative perspectives spawned from the crazy times during America’s cultural revolution, its appeal had the last vestiges of hippiedom. Mixed with humor it was a great way to challenge and transmute the tough questions and changes of the day.
Can you even imagine how yesterday’s Mad magazine would approach the shift happening today?
I crack up laughing already and I don’t even know how it would be done.
The fodder today is rampant and the magazine would be thick with perspective.
Of course it would probably be declared a terrorist magazine by all sides of the issues just because it’s dangerous to voice your opinion on almost anything right now. In fact things are so ramped up right now, I actually can’t think of a better time for a good sense of humor.
The magazines’ name actually gives a nod towards the reality of a world gone Mad.
Not to discredit the seriousness of our purpose and journey but to enhance it with a sense of fun and joy.
Do we not do better work when we are happy?
Wouldn’t the workplace, i.e. our job as ascending beings, be more attractive if we could be more light hearted?
Actually isn’t being light hearted the requirement?
How do we accomplish that when we are being inundated with change happening so fast our heads are spinning as if on a swivel.
For myself, I can barely keep up and I have been awake for a very long time. I am a sci-fi fanatic so very little blows my mind.
And I can handle that politics are not what they seem.
That is old news.
I never have trusted authority. It was just a given to me that we were lied to about most things.
That’s what happens when you grow up on an Indian reservation and they teach you Columbus discovered America. Ever since first grade I was primed to question everything they told me.
It’s not the knowledge and intel that makes it feel like I am walking uphill during gale force winds. It’s the integration of the information and the new perspectives it brings with it.
Today, I have arrived on the Mayflower of truth with a brand new set of friends.
None of my old friends see me as being credible any more . They think I have gone Mad.
It’s true I think.
Some of these rabbit holes are very Lewis Carroll. The fantastical tales about Alice and Wonderland as allegories don’t seem so far fetched anymore.
I am not here to explain all of these perspectives.
I only want to share that as we integrate the new and unfolding bits that we can work with the process in receptive ways or put up defenses and quickly get lost in confusion.
Humor helps. Humor keeps the mind open and free flowing.
Staying open and in the flow is certainly a challenge.
Some days more than others.
I want you to know you are not alone in this.
As I keep grounded and my heart in the lead. I know this to be the right path for me. I know what I know and everyday learn more about what I didn’t know before.
Sure, one needs to be careful with the information provided. It is a game.
But then for me, It always has been.
I don’t look at it as going Mad. I see it as I am getting more sane and the world I leave behind is getting madder and madder.
As the clarity of my heart shines before me, the gap between here and the past grows wider and wider.
As that door closes behind me, I wonder how maddening it will be for those that don’t question anything.
It is my hope and desire that by integrating this unraveling world of disclosure and hidden truths, that I will be helping those who have yet to walk this way.
Sometimes, I stop and look around for my new friends and see that they too are making their way through the madness.
It is really great to see our lights shining bright in the darkness.
There are so many lights.
And it looks like more and more are coming online with each passing event.
Some shine brighter than others but that won’t last for long .
As each torch is lit, it will bring more perspective and adjustments will be made accordingly.
Someday It will be nice to see some of my old friends show up with their own bright shiny light. We can laugh together and finally enjoy putting this madness behind us.

Until then, do you remember, in MAD, the shadow comic strip where the shadow revealed the true reaction?
A revealed truth caused by a bright shiny light.
much love to all
Mad about Madness | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/05/2022 12:19:00 AM