“Y’know, there’s really no juice in this job.”
By Steve Beckow, October 17, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Trading in the Old Paradigm of Right/Wrong – Part 1/3
The Mother said something at the beginning of the year that only becomes more relevant with the passage of time:
“This sense that one is right, and one is wrong, that one is correct, and one is incorrect… I am bringing you, I am bringing this planet into the place of unity consciousness, into the place of Christ Consciousness, into the place of love, that you are the living, breathing embodiment of love and that cannot and will not include a sense of separation, of illusion. There is no space for it… not in my reality, and, child, not in yours.
“When you are the embodiment of love there is no desire to be separate; there is no desire to be above, or below; there is no desire for reprimand, or punishment, or judgment… only for reconciliation, for union – human and divine. How do you go about this? With the deepest humility; with the broadest gratitude; with the most practical application of compassion… not that you know better, but that you love.” (1)
Sooner or later we’re going to have to drop our games of right/wrong, blame and shame.
In the middle of the turmoil is an ideal time to be discussing this because the blame game is in full force.
Giant siege engines are hurling meme projectiles at fortress castles of self-righteousness. God is of course on the side of both. It should be easier to see the matter now.
“There is no desire for reprimand, or punishment, or judgment…”
Reprimands, judgments, allegations, etc. – these are not a feature of the Fifth-Dimensional realm of universal love.
Proving that oneself is right and the other is wrong is a feature, as the Mother implies, of the Third Dimensional intellectual realm.
“This sense that one is right, and one is wrong, that one is correct, and one is incorrect … There is no space for it… not in my reality, and child, not in yours.”
It being illusion, we’re leaving it behind.
Meanwhile, in this realm, where one cannot reach the domain of experience or has blocked oneself off from it, the heart is unavailable; all that’s available is the ego.
I once described the ego’s paradigm as us being separate selves struggling for survival amid seeming scarcity. (2) The ego is about survival of ourselves and anything we identify with – family, house, car, computer, hard drive.
And the way to survive in our culture, short of winning by force, is to be right. I am in the right, we say. Right is on my side.
Right requires a wrong. And when we try to have other people fulfill that role, the trouble starts.
No one wants to be wrong. Psychologist John Enright once said, being wrong is like death to the ego. Once one is wrong, one is sanctionable. One gets to carry the can. We avoid being wrong at all costs.
So here we have a society of people wanting to be right and avoiding being wrong. And we lurch from conflict to conflict.
And we can’t solve it from within the paradigm because the very working of the paradigm requires some people to be wrong. But no one wants to be Oilcan Harry.
Rather than letting the topic go so this article doesn’t get too long, let me pick up again tomorrow because this topic is, in my view, very important.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) “Linda Dillon: Universal Mother Mary’s New Year’s Message: Are You the Love? January 3, 2021,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/01/03/linda-dillon-universal-mother-marys-new-years-message/.
(2) “Basic Third-Dimensional Illusion: Separate Selves Struggling for Survival amid Seeming Scarcity,” May 17, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/05/17/basic-third-dimensional-illusion-separate-selves-struggling-for-survival-amid-seeming-scarcity-2/.

Snooze and you’re lunch, the paradigm says
By Steve Beckow, October 18, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Trading in the Old Paradigm of Right/Wrong – Part 2/3
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
Armed with our survival skills, right/wrong people set out to win in a zero-sum game.
There’s only so much to go around and I want to make sure I’m one of those who gets it.
This is strictly win/lose and I’m gonna win.
I’m looking out for Number One. You snooze; you lose. Some shark ate your lunch.
This is the kind of world we create. At worst we have the untermenschen, the superior race, and extermination.
I’m willing to bet that there has not been a decade in human history without a war being fought somewhere arising out of an argument over who is right and who is wrong.
No one wants to be wrong and yet the paradigm dictates that someone must be right, which means that someone must also be wrong. Such is duality.
We can tinker with the paradigm. We can come up with no-fault insurance. No blame, no fault, etc.
But the paradigm itself dictates that we engage in self-serving behavior. And we do until we feel the emptiness of such an approach and begin to look for something different.
We find that the real rescue lies not in repairing the paradigm but in transforming us and the circumstances.
(To be concluded in Part 3, tomorrow.)

By Steve Beckow, October 19, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Trading in the Old Paradigm of Right/Wrong – Part 3/3
(Concluded from Part 2, yesterday.)
What arises is a population that’s alive to the need to assert one’s rightness and replete with stratagems to avoid being labelled wrong.
Accusations, allegations, gossip, on and on the wheels of this paradigm grind, producing affronts, indignation, reprisals, and war.
Now draw a line under all of this. This is the old paradigm and it’s like eating dry oatmeal flakes. There’s no flavor and no juiciness in any of this.
Put all of this in an old shoebox marked “2021,” and store it on the top shelf in the garage. This paradigm is no longer the way to proceed.
Well, what is?
The Divine Mother said it. It’s just that most of us have had little or no experience of it – at least I didn’t before 2015 – and so it sounds like so many words to us.
No, no, she’s pointing at something that will transform our lives – higher-dimensional, transformative, transfigurative love.
“When you are the embodiment of love there is no desire to be separate; there is no desire to be above, or below; there is no desire for reprimand, or punishment, or judgment.”
Yes, there is only a desire to exchange love. All concerns we once had drop away from us, immediately, in the presence of this kind of love.
“… only for reconciliation, for union – human and divine.”
We just want to share it.
“How do you go about [reconciliation]? With the deepest humility; with the broadest gratitude; with the most practical application of compassion… not that you know better, but that you love.”
You say, I don’t feel very humble. Yes, but you will once in the inner tsunami of love that flows from your heart out to the world.
Perhaps don’t think of yourself as you are now and wonder how you’ll do it. Think of what you’ll be like in this river of love.
So it isn’t that we know better. Not that we’re right and they’re wrong. But that we love.
Ascension will take care of all this, but, if you want it faster, ask the people who can do something about it – the Mother and the archangels – to open your heart. Open the closed heart aperture or hridayam. Open the door to the other dimensions, what Blossom’s Federation calls “the Bridge.”
So the new paradigm that replaces the old one of survival is simple. Love.
There. We boiled it down to one word. What could be simpler than that?
But what that one word points to my pen could never finish praising in an eternal lifetime.
Moreover, you’ve heard the Mother say it repeatedly. Our one job as lightworkers is to love.
“Go to the love because this is the beginning, the middle, the end, the infinite eternal. It has many names as do I. But it is all journey of love. …
“Beloved child, son of my heart; it is only about love, about the many expressions, about the many forms.” (1)
What could be more clear? What isn’t clear to most of us at this moment is what does this precious and rare form of love feel like? (2) Breathe it up from your heart, where it lives. Send it out to the world on the outbreath so that more can come in….
It’s not hiding from us. It turns out that we’re hiding from it.
(1) “The Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon,” April 30, 2019 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/06/01/the-divine-mother-it-is-all-a-journey-of-love/.
(2) Rare on the Third/Fourth Dimension. Precious everywhere.
Trading in the Old Paradigm of Right/Wrong | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/19/2021 11:36:00 PM