By Steve Beckow, October 19, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
The Illuminati are known for using Problem-Reaction-Solution to whittle away the civil rights of the people (think: Patriot Act).
But the White Hats can use it too. I believe they’re using it right now, all over the globe.
I looked at a daily review of events and there was a list of perhaps twenty or more hot spots around the planet – Taiwan, Byelorus, Sudan, Myanmar, the Koreas, Lebanon, Israel, on and on the list went.
What was common to the list was that in each case the military was mobilizing. Here a feared coup; there a border dispute; somewhere else a “terrorist” threat; and so on. But always the military was on the move.
Well, you and I know that the military are preparing to step in when the public demands it (Problem-Reaction-Solution).
The Problem (Deep-State manipulation) increases steadily in severity and breadth of impact. Weather phenomena, supply-chain shortages, toxic vaccines, fraudulent elections – corruption everywhere you look. And that’s just what’s in plain sight.
Reaction – The people will soon have had enough.
And the military will step in as the welcomed Solution.
So we use the same playbook. It isn’t that we don’t. It’s all in the intention.
Q, JFK Jr., the Alliance have their own way of speaking about these events. I’m going to use the language of the Company of Heaven.
We know the storm is here. But at the same time that doesn’t mean we have to be part of it.
In fact it’s better that we stay out of the way of the Alliance, blowing up underground bunkers and bringing trafficked children to the surface, etc.
We also know that the Divine Mother’s Plan is the return of love to this planet. And we know that the forces of control and abuse cannot win because … that’s not her Plan. She tells us:
“[I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies takes place. That is not the Plan.
“I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur.” (1)
The integration of the galaxies? Our Ascension is opening up a brand new space, which eventually will see other galaxies ascending as well and joining us.
Beginning with ourselves and extending outward, our task, she’s said, is to be the love. The Mother once summarized my mission: “This is your task,” she said. “Simply be the love.” (2)
It’s a special kind of love she’s talking about, as she explains:
“[Ascension] is a complete redefinition of what it means to be human. It is the complete surrender and [abolition], elimination of the old third dimension, because love does not exist in that environment, not the love that I speak of this night.” (3)
The love she speaks about is by nature unconditional and universal. It’s completely satisfying to all the senses and felt needs. It extinguishes anxiety and concern like water on fire.
It’s truly what is meant by ambrosia and nectar. And it does grant immortality: It lives in the higher dimensions.
It doesn’t exist in the Third, she tells us, but, largely, neither do we any more. I believe that all of us lightworkers have one foot in the Third and one in the Fifth. (4)
The first step to having that love flow through us is to grease the wheel – to be love in whatever way we can, to get love flowing however it does at first.
Have it flow up from our hearts on the inbreath and out to the world on the outbreath or in any other way we do it. Just get love flowing. That is the key. (5)
Love never stands still. It must flow and be allowed to flow.
We get to experience it as it passes through us. In sending we receive.
So let’s be the love in our locale, our neighborhood. Show the way we need to go, to others.
The Alliance plus the galactic federations have the global matter in hand. The rising energies will eventually carry us beyond the reach of all conflict. The faster our bodies can adjust to the lovelight energies, the faster we can rise above it all vibrationally.
I imagine it’ll gradually just cease to show up around us. I’m as keen to know that new space as you are.
But that’s it in a nutshell: Be the Love. If that means you sit in your armchair and send love out to the world, then do that. If it means you give free meals to the homeless, then do that. Whatever love looks like to you.
Anything else is optional. And of course in doing this service you’re benefitting yourself. If you’re drawing love up from your heart and sending it out to the world, you get to experience that love passing through you.
Just from writing about it, I’m in it now. This is the spiritual currency that Archangel Michael so often talks about. In this stream of love, I am a wealthy man.
(1) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/05/enter-the-delegations-part-2-3/. Reading, April 30, 2019.
(2) The Mother then added:
“I repeat what I have said so many times. If it is not of love, if it does not build the love, if it does not expose the love, if it does not communicate the love, then turn away.
“Choose the path to me, beloved one. I am here, I am there, and I am everywhere and with you every which way. So turn to me.” (“The Divine Mother: It’s All a Journey of Love,” April 30, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/06/01/the-divine-mother-it-is-all-a-journey-of-love/.)
After the Japanese tsunami, she begged us:
“We have asked you, nay, we have begged you thousands and millions of times to come and to rest in your heart, to be the Love.” (“Healing Japan and Gaia,” March 3, 2011, at https://counciloflove.com/2011/03/healing-japan-and-gaia/.
(3) “The Divine Mother Explains Ascension,” October 5, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/10/05/the-divine-mother-explains-ascension/.
(4) “The dilemma for you is that you have one foot in both worlds. You are spiritually ready to take the three-dimensional foot out and put it with the other one in the higher.” (The Lord Arcturus in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Marilyn Raffaelle, 2020 Dec. 12.)
(5) Sri Ramakrishna would put the matter this way: Run into the lake. Jump into the lake. Get pushed into the lake. The effect is the same. Just get yourself into the Lake of Immortality (i.e., Higher-Dimensional Love, the inner tsunami of love, the Ocean of Love).
In Sending, We Receive | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/19/2021 11:45:00 PM