June 5, 2021
Dear ones, of the light we come before you with messages of hope,
while it may all look like there is great unrest we ask that you look beyond and know that all things are coming together for the greatest good of all.
We understand that it may not look like it, and in due time you will see that this is all a lesson in not judging a book by its cover.
Sometimes you have to see where you have placed your allegiances and while many have led you to believe that these allegiances are noble and just. You are beginning to see that that is not the case. It is at this time we would like to reveal just how the universe and light beings assisting humanity at this time operate.
Source has made it so that free will is adhered to and there is little we can do by way of interference. This is not an act of cruelty but one of love and full knowledge of your truth. You are not lesser beings that occupy space and time to live lives under the directions of another. It is that influence that has led you to believe that to help means to step in and do something, because you were taught you were helpless. But dear children you see that in doing this the remedy is most always worse then the situation as it initially presented. There can be no lasting improvement and or change without the consideration of your own actions as it relates to all that is unfolding. The previous teaching is one in which there are no considerations for any actions,5thought, words or deeds... and no sense of responsibility. The control mechanisms does just that...control. There can be no control without obedience and obedience does not call for and warrant responsibility or self reflection. But with love there is an allowance for such things for in truth it is only through love of your own self that you see past what you held as real and true and see it all as delusions of the control structure. And while it spoke of peace and liberations it did nothing of the sort. It created strife and division. It is high time that the consideration be made that perhaps there is another way to be. One in which the love and peace of God could be known for all...as all and nothing else would satisfy because; not peace cannot provide that which it knows not and that which it is not. Once upon a lifetime things were very different, but because of the amount of peace each man carried within. A peace that was not shaken by the utterances of another. A peace that was a certainty; that all was well no matter what it looked like. The only thing that is different now is the voices of non-peace became louder. Because the voice of those in peace and knew peace were pushed aside. This is where we come in, to remind you of the peace you are and the love from which you have come. It is this truth that will help you see that, that which you are you have always been and it's only covered up with noise, disharmony and non-peace. The truth is there and so too is peace and it will show you the way and we stand by supporting you usher in your new vision. Your new perception because that's the only thing that can be done, a change in perception. It's all self evident...once upon a lifetime.
Once Upon a Lifetime | Ananda
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/05/2021 10:01:00 AM