Message from the Angels 06/05/2021
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
It is time upon your planet earth to care about how you feel and to tend to your own feelings. Like a gardener nurtures his or her plants in all phases of development – whether they are lying dormant in dark soil, sprouting, blossoming, or releasing their seeds – so too you can gently tend to your heart at all times. Whether you are in a phase of dormancy, creating new life, enjoying a harvest, or letting go, your feelings matter. Your feelings let you know whether or not you are in a higher vibration and traveling on a grace-filled path. They are your guides.
All periods of life are equally important. Without being dormant in the soil while waiting for water and warmth, a seed would not be motivated to reach for the light. Without the growth, it would not bear fruit. Without the fruit and release, it would not bear seeds to create new life. So too, all phases of your life, and cycles of your growth have value.
Some of you are in a resting, dormant phase right now. Like a seed in soil you aren't terribly motivated to do anything. In this phase you honor your feelings by resting, relaxing, removing any pressures you put on yourself, giving up artificial deadlines, and cocooning. You may crave time to daydream, contemplate what you want to create or who you want to become, and time to just "be." You will want to take extra good care of your body, eat gently, move gently, and allow nature to take its course in your mind and heart. You will feel good when you listen to your body and mind and refuse to push yourself.
As you give yourself this tender time to rest and relax, the force of life itself is growing and creating movement within you. If you honor your feelings, you will love these dormant phases of your life. Even while resting, you can be in a delicious, peaceful, passionately appreciative high vibe, and therefore on your kindest path. If you fight your feelings, however – even if you get the physical rest you need, but your mind is not at rest – you, like the seed without water and warmth, will need to stay dormant much longer. Better to listen to your feelings and get back in the natural flow of your soul's journey.
Some of you are in a phase of sprouting right now. Like the seed pushing above the soul, your energy is guiding you to think and act in ways that will help you create new life and change. In this phase your feelings might be inspiring you to get things done. You may have an urge to learn, grow, re-organize your home or life, shift your diet or physical habits, create a morning or evening routine, get to work on a project, work to shift your mindset, or do anything that you feel impulsed and interested in doing.
This is a phase of guided growth, where your positive feelings help steer your actions. In this phase, if you fight your feelings, you might feel frustrated, cranky, or even angry because life is pushing you to think or act in ways that you genuinely want. You might be less tolerant about interruptions, drama, or tasks that don't catch your interest. We know you have certain things you are required to do so while you're in this phase, you may have to prioritize a little time each day for your inspired action.
Some of you are in a phase of harvest. Like the seed that has grown, blossomed, and borne fruit, this is a time to celebrate and enjoy something you have accomplished, be it a dream come true, a project you desired to achieve, or a new awareness that you have been growing into. In this phase, your feelings might guide you to enjoy you to enjoy your creation and bask in your success. Even if you are growing past a tough situation, in this phase your feelings will guide you naturally to acknowledge the gifts and the growth so you can reap the harvest from all you have experienced. You may feel like sharing your gifts and/or wisdom with others, because you feel full and abundant in your heart and life.
If you fight your feelings during the time of harvest, and push yourself immediately towards new growth without taking time to enjoy and celebrate what you have created or how you have grown, you may feel burnout, numbness, or a sense of emptiness. These feelings remind you that you deserve to enjoy the good you have created. You deserve to reap the rewards of your own growth. You deserve to feel and bask in the fulfillment of your efforts and your accomplishments. Your feelings remind you to enjoy the harvest as much as you would enjoy a ripe tomato plucked from the vine rather than immediately burying it so the seeds could grow a new plant. This phase of harvest and enjoyment is needed. It is a high vibrational platform from which to create your next set of dreams!
Lastly, there are times when you are in a period of release. Like the plant that has bloomed, borne fruit, and now dies unto itself to release seeds to create new life, you too will have phases where you have either outgrown your own creations, beliefs, or ways of being. Your previous creations may feel satisfying and a little boring, as you start to feel the seeds of desires for more. You may find that suddenly thoughts, behaviors, relationships, or situations that you previous felt fine with, no longer feel good, or even tolerable. In these phases, you are not only releasing the vibration of a former creation so you can create more, but also planting the seeds for your future. You are dying to something, in order to create new life.
In phases of release, you may feel the urge to change jobs, shift relationships, clean out, repair, sit quietly and dream, let go of old disempowering thoughts, beliefs, or habits. If you listen to your feelings, they'll guide you to do so easily, without pushing yourself. If you don't, you'll feel upset, frustrated, stuck, clueless, or even angry at the past. Life itself is urging you to move forward, let go, and create more.
These cycles of life occur in both grand and small ways. They occur every day, several times a day. On different topics you may find yourself at different phases. For example, you may be enjoying the harvest of creating new friends, while enjoying the release of a job that no longer serves. You may feel completely uninspired to clean out your closets, but you have great desire to create art.
We offer these cycles and their typical feelings as examples to help you figure out and fine tune your relationship with You!
We've said this many times, but it bears repeating – In the 5D reality that you are entering, your energy matters far more than your efforts. Guided, inspired, good-feeling action is productive, whereas dutiful, forced, uninspired action is not helpful at all.
If you pay attention to your feelings, you will know when to rest, when to act, when to celebrate, and when to release. If, in the minute you notice you are not feeling good, you turn your sights away from the external world and back to your own heart, then you will be able to quickly raise your vibration, feel good again, and get back on a kinder path.
There are no wrong ways to feel. They are emotions that feel good, indicating you are on a joyful path, and emotions that don't which remind you to take note, and get back on a joyful path. All have value. None of you are "too sensitive" from our perspective. All of you were born with a highly-refined, sensitive inner compass. You felt deeply as children. You were deeply guided. Now is the time to pay attention to what you feel once again, since this guidance is increasingly important in your 5D reality.
Dear ones, you matter. Your heart matters. Your feelings matter – in fact a very great deal because they are your spiritual barometers in life. You were meant to enjoy your lives. You were meant to choose thoughts that make you feel good. You were meant to naturally gravitate towards what resonates and away from what doesn't. Care about how you feel, and try not to let the external world push and pull your heart towards its own ends. Again and again, we will remind you that caring for yourself and about yourself is not selfish.
A happy, inspired, high vibrational human being is a mighty light upon this earth. A person in their natural flow is naturally and organically guided both towards their own desires, and also to serve in ways that are mutually satisfying, joyful, and create even more abundance and flow for all involved. Trust your feelings.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Obi Wan had it Right! | The Angels via Ann Albers
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/05/2021 10:08:00 AM