By Steve Beckow, August 2, 2020
There has to be an end to fear.
The soul in my 1987 vision did not end up in a bad place but a good place. (1) There had to have been an end to fear for that to have happened.
The chief fear is the fear of death. The truth is that we always, already are immortal. We don’t have to do anything to earn it. It isn’t out ahead of us. Our immortality has always been the case.
So there’s nothing to fear about “death.” (2)
The first time we have a lucid dream or out-of-body experience and see our body as separate from “us,” the ever-present observer, the fear of death dies.
That’s the head vampire.
Now we’re not afraid to risk, gamble, take a chance – not foolishly. Foolishness is born of fear.
But we still have endless fears beyond this chief culprit.
As far as I can see, they mostly center around … loss.
They’re mostly based on the idea that I need something to live and thrive and that that something exists separate from me, outside of me.
None of this is ultimately true (3) and believing it is is what leads to the life we lead. Just look around us. As within, so without. As far as I know, this world we’ve created is the way it is because we believe in death and loss.
They’re revealed ultimately as illusions. They produce a world of high drama.
In my understanding, the truth is that we don’t need anything more than what we already are – love/light – to live and thrive. Proving this has cost some saints their lives. It’s a truth that transcends matter, transcends physical death. It’s an “ultimate” truth.
Merely reading the words has about as much effect as having breakfast. Fills an emptiness for a half hour.
The truth of the statement must be experienced and then realized, just as I realized recently that the 1987 vision I had was in fact the Divine Plan. (4)
So here too, the truth of the fact that there is no death for the soul must also be realized for the fear of death to disappear. But it can happen in an instant (and usually does).
The soul itself does not actually and eternally exist. (5) In the end, it merges in the One again. (6)
Every spiritual commentator has said this: The less we’re attached to, the less we feel fear. That doesn’t mean we have to live like ascetics. We’re not giving up possessions. We’re giving up attachments to them.
Several times I’ve faced the fear of losing the site, with all its articles and libraries and databases. It actually took me far less time than I thought it would to feel fine about it.
And the last dissipate-fear technique may as well be from the Almanac of 1853: When you feel fear, stamp your foot. If that’s not enough to send fear flying, stamp it again saying “No!”
Fear is an emotion and it does not stay – unless we keep feeding it. We can alter that emotion; many movies are about the moment of change from fear to courage. (7)
My hypothesis here is that fear ends. Since we know that Ascension will end fear forever, I think mine a pretty safe bet. I’m only advocating ending fear now, before Ascension.
(1) The manner of dying, perhaps. But even there we have instances of afterlife communicatoes telling us about spirit helpers that remove them from their bodies just before two cars collide, etc.
(2) I watched an individual soul go from God to God in a sacred arc and spiritual spiral. For an account of that vision, see “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
(3) It’s relatively true but not absolutely true. Breatharians demonstrate that we don’t need to eat food. The world around us has been built out of the thought energy of our beliefs. If we believe in death and loss, our beliefs will be mirrored in our surroundings.
(4) See “The Vision WAS the Divine Plan for Life,” July 21, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=312152
(5) St. Paul describes the last moment of individuality of the person before it merges with God again:
“Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.
“… And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son [Self, Christ, Atman] also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.” (St. Paul in I Corinthians 15:24 and 28.)
The drop returns to the Ocean.
(6) The Company of Heaven call this “coming Home” and “the Third Octave.” Conventional wisdom is that one does not return from mergence. But the CoH says, no, we re-emerge whenever there’s a need.
(7) Usually a penny drops. But we can also hasten it by stamping our foot.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
The Fear of Death Dies | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/03/2020 01:57:00 AM