Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beloved beings of light. I am Archangel Amethyst. I am the feminine aspect of Archangel Zadkiel, we work with the Seventh Ray energy and the Angelic Kingdom. We are at the forefront of the ascension process, the awakening within each being and the remembrance of the Creator. Therefore, I wish to bring forth to you today a simple message.
My message is focused on accessing, awakening, and remembering enlightenment. To achieve this there is a need to focus your mind and attention to the flow of light.
Constantly throughout your day and during your sleep state light automatically flows through your being, your chakras draw in light from the Universe of the Creator, as well as from your soul and your soul group.
This light flows through your entire being, your energy and physical bodies. The light supports the health and the well-being of your entire being, it is a source of nourishment and nurturing especially for your energy bodies.
Your physical body benefits from this as well due to all your cells holding and expressing light. You are after all a light being, even though you are in existence in a physical body and a physical reality.
Everything is created from light and energy, which means you and everything around you, even your thoughts you could say are created with light.
It is important to realise that your entire being is drawing energy into your being throughout your day and sleep state. This means there is a constant flow of energy and light through your being, you are in constant connection with the Creator, experiencing a constant flow of the Creator’s light and all that is the Creator.
When you remember this, you begin to acknowledge the presence of the light flowing through you. It is not only light, it holds codes, templates, intentions, understanding and wisdom, in truth it holds enlightenment. This means your entire being is constantly being filled with enlightenment and a constant stream of enlightenment is flowing through you.
Why you may wonder you do not feel enlightened in every moment of your reality?
The key is to focus your attention into the enlightenment, alignment, and flow. You may not be aware of the constant flow of energy and light through your being, if you can tune yourself and your mind to being aware of this flow whether you feel, sense, or acknowledge it you will be able to access the enlightenment held within this flow of light.
The more you practice the easier it will be to be inspired by the enlightenment held within the flow of light constantly moving through you. Gradually with practice, you will awaken enlightenment within your being, awaken yourself as a light being, and awaken an alignment of your mind to constantly deciphering the light and the enlightenment flowing through you.
You can acknowledge my message is simple and yet it is simplicity that is powerful.
How Do You Connect with the Flow of Energy and Light Moving Through Your Being?
I, Archangel Amethyst invite you to call upon my energies and my presence as well as that of Archangel Zadkiel.
Allow us to stand either side of you facing into your being, encapsulating you in our energy and our light. We are supporting awakening within your being and a greater sensitivity to the flow of light through your being.
It is often easier to feel or experience the light flow either at your crown chakra, feet chakras or palm chakras.
We invite you to take the attention of your third eye to your crown chakra. We invite you to say out loud: ‘I open myself fully to align with the Creator’s light flowing through my being.’
Keep your focus in your crown chakra.
Then move your attention to your palm chakras and say out loud: ‘I open myself fully to align with the Creator’s light flowing through my being.’
Keep your attention at your palm chakras.
With your feet firmly on the floor say out loud; ‘I open myself fully to align with the Creator’s light flowing through my being.’
Focus your attention into your feet chakras.
Now allow yourself to begin to breathe deeply, breathing in through your crown chakra and out through your hand and your feet chakras simultaneously. Achieve this for a few moments then allow your breath and your attention to settle where it feels comfortable and appropriate.
Allow yourself to meditate focusing within hold the intention of focusing upon the light flowing into your being, whether you can sense it, experience it, feel it, or simply acknowledge it. You may feel as if your entire being is filling with light and that you are glowing like a beacon. Remain in the presence of the light flow.
And as you focus upon the light insights, wisdom, understanding, acknowledgement, and enlightenment may dawn, especially the more you practice this.
It is so natural to experience the flow of light of the Creator through your being and yet it is something that many often forget. It is also natural that this light brings forth wisdom, enlightenment, healing, and the truth of the Creator, it is for you to access at any point.
This is my simple technique and explanation for awakening and aligning with your inner enlightenment.
My love is with you eternally. Enlightenment is needed upon the Earth now, allow yours to activate.
I thank you,
I am Archangel Amethyst
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Enlightenment: The Flow of Light | Archangel Amethyst via Natalie Glasson
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/03/2020 01:56:00 AM