If you haven’t been living under a rock for the last few weeks (no worries, I’m not judging you even if you have been), you would be well aware of the arrival of a brand-new virus into our worlds – and into our lives for that matter. One that seems to threaten untold amounts of destruction, losses, and what-have-you. Or so you are being led to believe; or fed through your hourly news transmissions for that matter.
Fortunately for you, you are spiritually awakened (or you wouldn’t even be reading this transmission at the moment) – and therefore – you can GREATLY assist in remedying this situation through a multiple amount of highly, and I mean, HIGHLY powerful and potent ways and methods. For the power of spirit indeed reigns supreme over physicality any day. Mind rules over matter all day – on any given day – and you for one are already well aware of this fact far better than absolutely anyone else out there. That being said – there are indeed a few EXTREMELY easy-to-do techniques that can GREATLY assist ALL of humanity, ALL living beings, as well as ALL of this entire planet’s consciousness, in this trying time in particular. For indeed do the planet and its people need your powers and abilities THE MOST – just about right now. The only question that now remains is: are you willing to step up to the cause and assist to the degree that you are able to?
For those who responded with a yes, here’s the easiest method first:
This is super easy to do and execute. Simply pray to the Divine Source, the angelic kingdoms, the archangelic kingdoms, everyone’s higher selves (including and ESPECIALLY your own), the galactics, and absolutely ALL other higher dimensional beings, to assist your planet as powerfully as they can, energetically. For they are indeed NOT ALLOWED to do so without your express free-will permission.
Pray to them to fill-up and envelope the planet with their love. Pray to them to fill-up and envelope the planet with their light.
Pray to them to fill-up and envelope the planet with their peace. Pray to them to fill-up and envelope the planet with their healing energies and assistance. Pray to them to bring hope, happiness, joy, wisdom and abundance. Above all, pray to them that ALL will be assisted in their lives to the greatest degree possible – and that humanity be free of this virus NOW. And once you’re done praying – simply express your heartfelt gratitude towards them – for all that is needed of you and of them, is indeed done the moment you’ve prayed.
This too, is super easy to do. Visualise – to whatever degree you can – planet Earth right in front of you. It is okay if you can’t visualise this though, for your INTENTION and FEELING is ALL that truly matters here.
So visualize/intend/feel the planet Earth being enveloped in pure, divine, unconditional love – as love fills up within every molecule of it; and within every being and plant and mineral and gas and water droplet upon it. Visualize/intend/feel the planet Earth being enveloped in peace – as it fills up within every molecule of it; and within every being and plant and mineral and gas and water droplet upon it. Visualize/intend/feel the planet Earth being enveloped in pure, divine healing energies – as they fill up within every molecule of it; and within every being and plant and mineral and gas and water droplet upon it. Visualize/intend/feel the planet Earth being enveloped in divine light – as it fills up within every molecule of it; and within every being and plant and mineral and gas and water droplet upon it. Finally, visualize/intend/feel the planet Earth being enveloped in joy, abundance, bliss, happiness, prosperity and well-being – as it fills up within every molecule of it; and within every being and plant and mineral and gas and water droplet upon it. Then, express your heartfelt gratitude for this incredible lifetime that you’re experiencing here and the opportunity to provide this amazing service – and then, let go. For your job is indeed, done for the day.
Visualize/feel all human beings upon this planet. See tremendous amounts of love blossoming within their hearts. See them ALL filling up with light – and being gently guided and nudged towards greater amounts of love, light, wisdom, abundance, healing, joy, prosperity and bliss. Express your heartfelt gratitude towards them ALL (negative ones and dark beings included!) for providing you and your soul with incredible experiences, learning and assistance. Then, gently let go.
You can also do the same process especially with politicians and people occupying positions of great power and influence all around the world – be they of a positive (light-based) or a negative (darkness-based) orientation. You can also do this for all negative/darkness oriented beings that you know of, are aware of, are currently encountering, or have ever encountered in your life at any given point in time. You can also pray that they be guided once again towards love, light, wisdom, abundance, healing and bliss – for indeed, do they need that the most. They wouldn’t be acting in the ways they are had they not been extremely wounded or hurt by someone to begin with. They need you all the more right now – for indeed they are an inseparable part of your greater, divine self. Don’t abandon them now – for only your love, light, compassion, forgiveness and prayers can help them in finding healing, wisdom and wholeness all over again. Let’s all help them get their hearts back in place!
You can also imagine the Coronavirus (and all of its siblings) being lifted out of planet Earth – straight into the love and light of the Divine Source (or God) – and being transmuted right back into pure, blissful love-light once again. What joy! :)
Just imagine your heart connecting to ALL OTHER HUMAN HEARTS – and mentally speak out your message to address every single human being there is. Offer them a message of love, hope, positivity, well-being, support and assistance – along with a powerful reminder to stay brave, calm, centered and in joy during this challenging time. For this is WAY more than enough to defend them against any virus or challenge that there is out there! Furthermore, remind all humans that they are divine beings of infinite power – and that love, peace, compassion, forgiveness, joyfulness, gratitude, acceptance, togetherness and following one’s heart (true self/heartfelt desires) no matter what anyone says, is the ONLY way to forge ahead now – for ONE AND ALL! Remind them all to stay on course, follow their highest dreams and anticipate the good times – for they are nearly here!
Above all, KNOW that your heartfelt message will reach them in some way, shape or form soon – for it simply HAS TO. Energy never goes to waste. Intentions never die. And the love that connects us all knows no distances whatsoever. Trust that. For that indeed, is TRUTH.
Wait, what? Am I saying that that’s an actual planetary assistance method? Well, yes.
For when you are in joy – your energies and bliss and health and healing and well-being and love and light and abundance and peace RADIATES OUT into the ENTIRE PLANETARY CONSCIOUSNESS. THAT’S how powerful YOU are. And don’t you ever, ever, EVER forget that!
Even if all you are doing is staying centered, balanced, calm and peaceful during this trying time – trust me on this – you would be helping more people than what you’d possibly even be imagining! Bonus points if you can find a way to fill up your life with bliss! I find this incredible article by TomKenyon to be tremendously helpful in this regard.
Also, just in case you’re looking to get over your fears, this wonderful articleby Ann Albers is the way to go! Happy Healing! :)
P.S. You can use ANY/ALL of the above methods for absolutely ANY positive reason or during absolutely ANY local/global challenge there is – and you WILL SEE RESULTS sooner than later in some form or the other, and near instantaneously at that (now that we are in the higher dimensions anyways). I guarantee you that. Just trust the process! :)
Say Goodbye to Coronavirus, the Spiritual Way! | Aseim
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/15/2020 02:41:00 AM