It’s After the Reval…. And? – Part 1/3
March 14, 2020
Posted by Steve Beckow

At first, when this idea occurred to me, I thought it was hare-brained. Who’d wanna read this stuff?
I got the bright idea that I should post Archangel Michael’s advice to me on what to do – and not do – after the Reval.
But then I thought to myself, no, this is really valuable material. Others can listen in as an archangel prepares his servant for what’s coming. Where else can you get this kind of window in? (1)
So, overcoming my timidity and embarrassment, I post my discussions with Archangel Michael about what I should do after the Reval.
After the Reval – The Exchange
Steve: The Reval has been announced. I have phoned the 800 number and they’ve told me to go to this address.
We transact our business very quickly and I come out with whatever we come out with. What would you like to see happen from that moment on? I know you’d like me to take the first week off and not buy anything and I will. But more globally, what you want to see happen after that? (2)
After the Reval – For the First Week
Archangel Michael: Well, the first thing we would like to see is for all of you to go out for a delicious supper.
Steve: Very good….
AAM: There needs to be celebration and there needs to be acknowledgement of not just a gift but a dream come true.
The reason why we say take a week off is to simply allow the new reality to seep in and for you to have moments of glee and panic and discovery and conversation. (3)
Steve: I have said to myself that I will not go to one of these nights where people go AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! all over the place because I worry that it might jiggle me just enough to set off the stress reaction that I’m sitting on [after having acquired sudden wealth].
AAM: We would not recommend to any of you going to these gargantuan meetings of celebration. They are incendiary.
Steve: That’s my sense. We do things we’d never do and it lets the genie out of the bottle.
AAM: That’s correct. It’s time for incredible discernment. And it’s not discerning to go to a venue and make public displays. It would not be wise. (4)
AAM: First things first. As soon as this has occurred, we want you to take an entire week off.
Steve: Is that like in seclusion. Is that what you mean? Or play?
AAM: Play, walking, seclusion, camaraderie. But the most important thing you will do is simply breathe. Because your world, as you know it, will have shifted.
So it is not to hire people. It is not to find a new place to live. It is not to engage everybody. It is just to breathe and from that place of centred, anchored breathing, then to proceed. (5)
Steve: I am just going to sit idle for the first week and just integrate…
AAM: … Breathe….
Steve: And I am just going to park everything, right? I’m not going to immediately start activating people or even activating my family office. I’m going to wait until I come back from my [month-long vacation] trip to do that.
AAM: That is correct. This is a massive change and it is not about being hasty. It is about being plan-full and mindful and prudent. You are doing exactly what needs to be done. You are doing well. (6)
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) If anyone else has transcripts of Linda’s channelings, please send them in (or excerpts from them). These are historical documents.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 20, 2018. Hereafter AAM.
(3) AAM, Feb. 20, 2018.
(4) “Archangel Michael: You are Not Crazy,” June 6, 2015, at
(5) AAM, Aug. 21, 2015.
(6) AAM, June 6, 2018.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
March 14, 2020
Posted by Steve Beckow

At first, when this idea occurred to me, I thought it was hare-brained. Who’d wanna read this stuff?
I got the bright idea that I should post Archangel Michael’s advice to me on what to do – and not do – after the Reval.
But then I thought to myself, no, this is really valuable material. Others can listen in as an archangel prepares his servant for what’s coming. Where else can you get this kind of window in? (1)
So, overcoming my timidity and embarrassment, I post my discussions with Archangel Michael about what I should do after the Reval.
After the Reval – The Exchange
Steve: The Reval has been announced. I have phoned the 800 number and they’ve told me to go to this address.
We transact our business very quickly and I come out with whatever we come out with. What would you like to see happen from that moment on? I know you’d like me to take the first week off and not buy anything and I will. But more globally, what you want to see happen after that? (2)
After the Reval – For the First Week
Archangel Michael: Well, the first thing we would like to see is for all of you to go out for a delicious supper.
Steve: Very good….
AAM: There needs to be celebration and there needs to be acknowledgement of not just a gift but a dream come true.
The reason why we say take a week off is to simply allow the new reality to seep in and for you to have moments of glee and panic and discovery and conversation. (3)
Steve: I have said to myself that I will not go to one of these nights where people go AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! all over the place because I worry that it might jiggle me just enough to set off the stress reaction that I’m sitting on [after having acquired sudden wealth].
AAM: We would not recommend to any of you going to these gargantuan meetings of celebration. They are incendiary.
Steve: That’s my sense. We do things we’d never do and it lets the genie out of the bottle.
AAM: That’s correct. It’s time for incredible discernment. And it’s not discerning to go to a venue and make public displays. It would not be wise. (4)
AAM: First things first. As soon as this has occurred, we want you to take an entire week off.
Steve: Is that like in seclusion. Is that what you mean? Or play?
AAM: Play, walking, seclusion, camaraderie. But the most important thing you will do is simply breathe. Because your world, as you know it, will have shifted.
So it is not to hire people. It is not to find a new place to live. It is not to engage everybody. It is just to breathe and from that place of centred, anchored breathing, then to proceed. (5)
Steve: I am just going to sit idle for the first week and just integrate…
AAM: … Breathe….
Steve: And I am just going to park everything, right? I’m not going to immediately start activating people or even activating my family office. I’m going to wait until I come back from my [month-long vacation] trip to do that.
AAM: That is correct. This is a massive change and it is not about being hasty. It is about being plan-full and mindful and prudent. You are doing exactly what needs to be done. You are doing well. (6)
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) If anyone else has transcripts of Linda’s channelings, please send them in (or excerpts from them). These are historical documents.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Feb. 20, 2018. Hereafter AAM.
(3) AAM, Feb. 20, 2018.
(4) “Archangel Michael: You are Not Crazy,” June 6, 2015, at
(5) AAM, Aug. 21, 2015.
(6) AAM, June 6, 2018.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
It's After the Reval... And? (Part 1/3) | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/14/2020 07:47:00 PM