Friday, January 31, 2020

Susie Beiler: Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona, Part 109, 2020 Forecast | Reader

Susie Beiler : Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona, Part 109, 2020 Forecast

In this transmission, Prime Creator provides a forecast of 2020 and of the January energies. The message includes information about Karatbars and the financial system, how emotions can affect your frequency, and the power of gratitude. Also mentioned is a posture to enhance your flow and the massive energy wave for January. Check out the color changes- energies are showing up on the screen again!

  • Disclosure: Political, Banking, and Government
  • Shift upon planet Earth
  • Merging with Gaia, receiving and integrating more Light
  • Revelations in our banking system
  • Embrace how powerful you are: your frequency, vibration, feelings, and emotions
  • The Event is now and unfolding in real-time- the cohesive timeline is seen as a frequency split
  • Changing the Matrix from within the Matrix- its a very powerful way to effect change
Be in gratitude!

Discern this and all information.

Recently released
Susie Beiler - Channeling Prime Creator

We Are All ONE!