Friday, January 31, 2020

Created Universe vs. Creating Universe | Daughter of Terra

In Service to Source,

Why should we consider the impact of these two concepts? The author brings this question to light as it has real implications on how we relate to the universe and others in it and also our respective roles. If we say that the Universe is created then that imply that is over its done with…everything that is and there is nothing left to do but live in it the best way we see fit. On the other hand if this is a creating universe then the opportunities to learn grow and explore are indeed are endless. We open ourselves up to reinventing ourselves to our highest goal and support others on their respective paths. The ideas of prejudice and long harbored hates and malice fall by the waste side because of the newness awarded to us all; always as the universe is always creating and so too are we. If at any moment we allow ourselves to circum to the beliefs that the Universe was created then the past becomes a way in which we process the world and also ourselves. The past begins to take over: locking us into its ugly rigid grasp from which very few escape. And there is no shortage of information that points to this as a reality, things like heredity come up, culture and societal conditioning comes in to play. And it is played with. Its not realized... but that the more we play with this as an idea the more we really start to believe that this is who we are. However, if we could be brave enough to make an adjustment to our thinking and see the universe is perpetually creating then these “past’ ties that keep us tethered to old ways are clipped and we are free to be who we want to be. And in so doing work with the creating Universe as oppose to working against it by seeing ourselves and it as limited; in truth both are unlimited and we create limitation with limiting ideas and those limited ideas are in the past. Now…now you can be what you have always wanted to be. It is only a belief that you cannot.

I Am. Daughter of Terra