Sleazy smily face Satanic Mother Earth Death Paradigm full-on Child-sacrifice requires so much Toxic-shame in our human stainless steel co-dependent resentment, so a positive attitude, certainly isn’t any more honest, than the, very definition of a Satanist, as the most powerful shithead smiling at us the best, as if to say thank you for being so stupid. The most valuable Satanic players are the most evil secret fakers with the biggest smile, that we can call turd-crescent white tooth Cannibal-eateries.
A positive outer attitude is a rude pure rage-filled anger, that would wilt the paint right off a Satanist’s Oxygen-depleting wily wild-ass bloomers, while the opposite smily face faker’s attitude reveals a Satanist-minion, like we see everywhere on bill boards, Corporation religious ads, and church sleepers from here to the Aroused Vatican Valentine separatists vaginal Chamber of Commerce on TV. Our women, and men who smile, all the Time, suffering so much pure unmitigated Toxic-shame rage, and anger from horrifying humiliation, and ridicule, actually support such a negative ‘dishonest’ Satanic-attitude, it’s hard to tell who is the Satanic minion, and who, really are the more fake Satanists.
Are you OK?
NO, big fat angry as Hell, never Toxic shame honest A-holiness NO, right back innocent at yas!!! Fakers all, go to Hell with ya Mother Birthday eatery fakery Satanic cakery at us daze!!!
All the water on Satanic Earth Reptilian Statist Stasis Mother glob is pure poison, and since I am 80% water, then we, all are already 90, to 100% poisoned, even before our lips move so we, all smile a lie every second we communicate Mortal separation Toxic shame, and even before we are born dead, already. When I was born a Reptilian Satanist already, bought my debt from another smily face Reptilian faker, and then as I grew into smiley face prison-fakery, myself every drip-pity drop of feigned positivity in-reverse switchback fan-base Political codependency poisoned the apples ripe to eat, some unsuspecting dying on the vine of Evil Karmic suffering Time, as if the price on my Satanic Child-sacrifice head lied “Wanted dead, or Alive”.
Newborns go at the normal rate of about $500,000, to a Million fake fiat whatevers, so at the, very least in Satanist eatery motives, I could have gone to Chainy private prison, whereupon Halliburton’s leading Reptilian gets $150,000 per year, that we, all pay, so dearly for torturing the crap out of more shamer-shivers. @ 5 years($750,000, to 5 Million fake fiat whatevers) for getting caught complaining, and saying OUCH to, all regular Mother Earth Child-ownership Sex-slave torture, already, and voila, only a positively Shame/rage helpless angry-plus continual attitude, hardly seems toxic enough to claim a positive and, very appropriate Non-Satanic Honest human Open Heart innocence.
In the mean Time, and I do mean a mean-spirited Fake Matrix Chamber of Commerce Hate money-motive meanness, continual War, not only co-creates a World-wide Satanic factory, every human sacrifice, also makes the smily fake-faces crescent-feces gobs of laundered people/money from what we, all pay for to Hospital Statist Stasis, and for whatever it costs to Kill soldiers wrapped in human sacrifice Uniforms trudging up the same Satanic polished Pyramid Reptilian smily face owners from “War is Hell” money dread. Hospitals are Reptilian Statist Stasis cancer-ridicule money makers for, all the Satanic smily face negative attitude money-fakers too.
Medical Murder association Satanists are no different than Feminazionist public school, not so cool mind-control Money makers, so who doesn’t make money to pay back, all the initial debt owed, by already being Reptilian Statist owned, even before smily-faced negative-attitude Mothers take over aroused Vatican Valentine Mafia Chamber of Commerce Child-ownership Satanic-minion mind-control fakeries eating cakeriers at us Daze. Get the picture how each Child-sacrifice pays its way on the prison mind-control train death-way when Hospitals, don’t cure cancer but make it a sick-loyal way to rob every family of, all their money after taxes rob us blind on the way to Satanic Earth Mother-minion misery loves Disney World Sodomy mind-control up the Crown-colon Chainy-money? Then this, other mafia sell organs for at least as much as the first Mother-debt got us laid out in lavender along with her?
This is a good angry honest attitude timely expression to mention how babies are money spent, already, even before people get spent at the rate of half the16 billion get killed for, even hinting at a frown, in case one might start a virus in the smily face Chamber of Commerce fake money making Mother-over-the-top Earth-machinery House market debt-livery, et al. How much money did you, already bring in for the Satanic cause, and what a self-ridicule to smile, as if that can, ever express a positive attitude, so this message will self-destruct in 5 seconds if any willing, still has to censure what’s right in front of big Poison smiles with soft deceitful wiles, that autonomically close most Satanic faker’s eyes upon lilting more Birthday codependent resentment Mother-cake denial-support.
Inner Attitude
Either I have an inner focus, or I have a fake smily face Satanic outer-focus, so anyone with a negative Satanic complicit Child-sacrifice money-spent support, really is an Authoritarian Centralization Satanic fake smily face school, hospital, War, prison gang hood member first class A-holiness control-freak throwing money/babies at, every problem to fix it, smooth it all over, and deny what, just happened, until coming back again to, directly experience what fake smily-face tooth-turd harm we do to each other, all the while gossiping like crazy-ass smily-feces frown-censors make sure we aren’t the next in line waiting to trudge up the Pyramid steps to Bobblehead down, like all our innocent money/children dead/did/will, even before another Karmic Birth-cake Mother-money surprise gets, just a little bit Man-hate pregnant/blame Satanic-gossip Reptilian Statist sacrificed for, not gender-bigotry motivating more DNC separatist-pouting.
How many hours did I turn within the Pineal Portal Today, really is the, only way to measure my Kundalini Inner Attitude, and when I am in Holy Spirituality awakening Creative Intelligence, how much do I express my Open Hearted anger motive relief, at all the many ways we, all pay so dearly for the Immoral battering humiliation, and then the absolute soul-ridicule for paying ‘our’ money for the genocide, that denies any life at all, even before we become PTNB(Post Traumatic Normalcy Bias) migrants in our own Country, that the Satanist Reptilian Statist Stasis barbarians stole from us, and keep selling back to us, as if we, really are the human excrement in Earth septic tanks so fulla 8 billion Cannibal grown-up helpless raging septic-tank babies.
I live within an Open Heart meditating most of the day/night, and expressing my anger in between Holy Spirit Authentic Guidance to cross the next step on the discernment bridge of continual forgiveness nurturing enlightening compassion. It is a surprise for me to hear others can, hardly get any meditation time-off from all the distractions, so I guess Holy Spirit has adopted me in trust, and at the same Time all my alters have adopted me in trust too, so finally I am 100% out of my body, and raging whenever I get a chance to maintain a positive outer attitude, combined with an Inner Attitude of gratitude to discover a way to be true to myself, without wanting anything of this World, that will retire us, all some how, some way on the same way back here, until we forgive it all, as ourselves, without any more Death Paradigm fake fix-it Satanic smily-face Usury people/money Survival-fear Reptilian Separatist-chicanery.
Positive Attitude | Pine Cone
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/02/2018 09:42:00 AM