Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Part 1/2) | Steve Beckow

Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life – Part 1/2

December 21, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Jesus talks about his birth, the crucifixion, and the travels of Mary and Sara after his death on An Hour with an Angel.

“Transcript of an Hour with an Angel, with Jesus, Jan. 16, 2012,” at

Steve Beckow: Welcome, Jesus.

Jesus: Welcome. And I tell you again, you may call me Jesus, or you may call me Yeshua

SB: Thank you.

J: Or you may call me brother or friend. But I welcome all of you tonight. And yes, I welcome the channel as well, and we will work with her to make sure that we can go forward together.

We are partners in this undertaking, not simply I but the legions that serve and who stand ready to extend their help. But it is in direct partnership. You are not in servitude in the way of waiting for us to do for you. That is not the way of this unfoldment.

It is you claiming your birthright as creators, acknowledging the divinity within you, and from that place, walking in tandem – hand in hand, arm in arm, heart in heart together. So, as many years ago, with your beloved leader, Martin Luther King, I ask you tonight, across these airwaves, to put your hands together and to commit your hearts to this change that we are all seeking.

SB: Thank you, Lord. … I’d like to read you a passage that is controversial and ask your comment on it.

“The truth about Christianity is, it is based on fabrications about Jesus’ birth, crucifixion and resurrection, and his teachings were deliberately distorted through dilution and omission. Jesus was conceived and born just like every other human baby, and he never was put on a cross. He was flogged by the Sanhedrin, who ruled church and state, and was banished — they wanted him out of that land, not make him a martyr whose death would increase the numbers of his followers. With his pregnant wife Mary Magdalene, Jesus went back to the East, where he had gone as a youth and spent many years studying with the master teachers.” (1)

Would you care to comment on that, please?

J: I guess I could say that it is wishful thinking and that it is certainly distorted thinking, or distorted channeling or understanding. Yes, I was born. And we have discussed how that had taken place – by the ignition of light, of Holy Spirit, of the energy of creation within what you think of as a virgin womb. Did I assume a human form? Yes, I most certainly did. And I have had human experiences.

But also what I have shared with thee is that I have also been filled with the light of the Holy Spirit and overlit at a very early age, (2) so that sense of knowing, that privilege of connection, not being in the, what I would call the illusion that had penetrated so much of the human race, was not part of my reality.

I’ve been flogged many times, more than I would choose to remember. For justice was not always within the courts and there were many who thought one way to tame me was to throw stones or flog or jeer. Or, yes, even sometimes, to call my teachings or what I believed to be a hoax. There were many who wished I would go into exile. And there were certainly moments when that was, as a human alternative, very attractive. But that was not the path or the agreement.

So no, I did not travel with my beloved wife to the east. Had I studied with masters? Yes. And I was privileged to do so. And in some small way that seed and that exchange of energy contributed to all who were part of those conversations.

You may have wondered when last we spoke why I was so hesitant to say names or places, or who did what, but one of the reasons was that I do not wish people to say, well, he was a student of, or a follower of, and then try and dilute what I have to teach and what I have to say. There are many, many masters that have wisdom and love to share. There are certainly enough to go around. But there is no need to make fantasy out of what occurred in my lifetime. (3)

Did I die? Was I crucified? Yes. And it was far from what many people have thought of as holy or sacred. It was painful, humanly painful, and at moments spiritually painful. But each of you have also known moments of extreme pain, either in your heart or your body, your mental or emotional fields. I am not unique in that way. I do not need to lessen it. So no, let us be done with this mythology of the “great escape” once and for all.

SB: Thank you, Lord. There are a cluster of questions about what happened following your crucifixion. By that I mean who went to France. Could you give us more details of the life of your daughter Sara in France? So could you give us a little bit more detail about what happened to Mary and Sara and the others who went with her to France?

J: Yes. My wife and Sara, James, my brother Joseph, and a retinue of disciples who would attend to the family went to France. Andrew as well. The life was very simple, and very quiet. The Magdalena in many ways retreated. But Sara did not, for she moved amongst the people, and she embraced them. And they embraced her as well. And she is the one who carried the lineage.

SB: Is there anything we should know about the lineage, Lord? Is that a subject that would be profitably explored?

J: No. Because there is too much time and too much interest, although it is a fascinating subject, is it not?

SB: Yes.

J: But many wish to know who was where when, and so I would ask each of you, where were you? Do you remember being with me as we walked those shores, as we trod those dusty, dusty roads? Those paths, those goat paths, really. And then too many are willing to say, well, I was there, I was there at the flogging or the crucifixion, or I was this apostle or that apostle. And in most causes you are absolutely correct, you were. But that is not the issue.

The issue is as those beings you have chosen to come back right now during the fulfillment of the promise. In some ways, the plan was evolved, born long before I ever walked the Earth. That is most certain and clear. But some think of it as the birth of the promise. You can think of it that way or not. I certainly came to simply remind people about their potential for love.

But now, you who are living in a very different world that is absolutely no different, you are the fulfillment of the promise. And yes, I tell you, aside from myself, that all of you have returned, and as you ascend into the fifth or the seventh, I will walk with you again. Many of us will. But most of you are already there.

Now, I do not mean to imply that this is simply a rerun. It is not, because there has been such evolution. And there have been some steps forward and some steps backward.

But you have persisted, each of you, in your own way, whether you were centurion or governor, judge, apostle, or handmaiden. You have said, “I will go again, and I will keep going until this promise is fulfilled.” That is why you are here.

SB: Thank you, Lord. Another reader has asked if you were the source of A Course in Miracles– I think they want to hear it from your own lips – is there anything you’d like to say about that project and your connection with it? I’m sure our listeners would be interested in anything you want to share about the Course in Miracles.

J: I was a full participant, let me put it that way. Yes, I am a source for that. The full course. I certainly am not the only, what would you call, contributor. What I would say is that there are many – well, there are millions and millions who have taken this and taken it to heart.

Now, what I would like you to do is to speed it up. The lessons are all there. But time really is shortening, you know, in your human reality. Yes, even the number of hours in a day are getting closer together. They are shrinking. I’m sure you have noticed that.

So take these wonderful messages, these lessons, and bring them, accordion them, and then place them in your heart. Yes, still, one, two, three a day – it matters not. The lessons are eternal and valid. But get going with them.

This is not a time to simply be studying. Always the study continues, life after life after life. But it is also a time of action, and that is what the course teaches as well. It is to internalize and then bring forward into your life the essence of love and the lessons of manifestation, of creation, of attraction, repulsion – all of these. Bring them to the forefront now.

(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)


(1) I am deliberately not referencing the source of this quote to reduce controversy. My interest is only in knowing the truth; not casting aspersions at another source. Jesus could as well have said that the passage was correct as incorrect.

(2) Between 5 and 5 1/2, Jesus said last week:

(3) To the reader who asked the question about who Jesus studied with in India: notice that Jesus answered your questions without me needing to ask it.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Part 1/2) | Steve Beckow Jesus: I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (Part 1/2) | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/21/2018 10:14:00 AM Rating: 5

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