Eliminating Lack with Gratitude
December 21, 2018
By Kathleen Mary Willis

In a few words how could we describe Nova Earth?
Community? Connectedness?
My question is, “How are we to master living in community, every connection?”
I know we can do this with understanding of Universal Law – as within, so without, balance.
A few years ago, I began with apologies (1), continuing on to deep forgiveness.
I Love you, self
I’m sorry, self, for my core issues,
sorrow, shame, jealousy, anger, fear,
and the lack of self-worth,
lack of self-love, the false grids.
Please forgive me, self
(I forgive my self for not expressing
and experiencing my self as Divine.)
Thank you, self.
From that place of forgiveness of self I could see the value of Universal Law more clearly.
The Universal Laws are birthed from Love
and their purpose is balance.
Every Universal Law is Love;
the other name for the laws is the Laws of Love.
Every thought, action, opinion that is not of love
is not in alignment with Universal Law.
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Transmutation,
Transformation for my self.

What does it feel like
to be in community, connectedness within,
in Love with our self?
From studies, the lack of community, the lack of connection, the lack of forgiveness, the lack of compassion within creates our addictions from food to heroin to financial lack.
With forgiveness, deep compassion for the lack,
— the lack of self-worth, the lack of self-love —
there is balance; there are no addictions,
no bigotry, racism, hatred, war, pain,
no limitation, separation, anxiety,
no control, guilt, financial debt.
Deep forgiveness with compassion and non-judgement eliminates the lack, and creates a flow of gratitude. . .
I love you/self.
Thank you.
I Am Gratitude
for all my lifetimes on Earth,
for the adventure of this life, every part of it,
for every lesson.
With deep, deep gratitude within we create reflections of Love/flow.
Aligning with the state of being of Love/gratitude/joy for everything within creates Love reflections/flow in the without.
Our toughest teachers
are the ones to be in the most gratitude for.
We eliminate the lack with gratitude/joy for everything.
Being in gratitude for every thought, every emotion is mastery.
How to change our reality?
Be gratitude/joy for everything?
The most difficult lessons: that unconscious parent, that trauma, that rape, that long uncomfortable marriage, that friend who. . .
Who are our toughest teachers?
What situations need our deepest Love?
That is where our gratitude is needed.
Being joy/gratitude for the most difficult reflections in our life creates flow — Love everywhere, to everything we are connected to — creates transformation.
Thank you, Sanat Kumara, the Council of Love,
and the Universal Law of Transmutation, Transformation.
Gratitude for every situation we can remember,
especially the most difficult memories,
helps Divinely Align Everything,
affects everyone we know.

As Within So Without
Nova Being, Nova Earth
Love, Trust, Forgiveness,
Unity and Community,
B a l a n c e
(1) In 2015 I was asked in meditation to extend apologies and ask for apologies for earlier life events.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
December 21, 2018
By Kathleen Mary Willis

In a few words how could we describe Nova Earth?
Community? Connectedness?
My question is, “How are we to master living in community, every connection?”
I know we can do this with understanding of Universal Law – as within, so without, balance.
A few years ago, I began with apologies (1), continuing on to deep forgiveness.
I Love you, self
I’m sorry, self, for my core issues,
sorrow, shame, jealousy, anger, fear,
and the lack of self-worth,
lack of self-love, the false grids.
Please forgive me, self
(I forgive my self for not expressing
and experiencing my self as Divine.)
Thank you, self.
From that place of forgiveness of self I could see the value of Universal Law more clearly.
The Universal Laws are birthed from Love
and their purpose is balance.
Every Universal Law is Love;
the other name for the laws is the Laws of Love.
Every thought, action, opinion that is not of love
is not in alignment with Universal Law.
I invoke Sanat Kumara
and the Universal Law of Transmutation,
Transformation for my self.

What does it feel like
to be in community, connectedness within,
in Love with our self?
From studies, the lack of community, the lack of connection, the lack of forgiveness, the lack of compassion within creates our addictions from food to heroin to financial lack.
With forgiveness, deep compassion for the lack,
— the lack of self-worth, the lack of self-love —
there is balance; there are no addictions,
no bigotry, racism, hatred, war, pain,
no limitation, separation, anxiety,
no control, guilt, financial debt.
Deep forgiveness with compassion and non-judgement eliminates the lack, and creates a flow of gratitude. . .
I love you/self.
Thank you.
I Am Gratitude
for all my lifetimes on Earth,
for the adventure of this life, every part of it,
for every lesson.
With deep, deep gratitude within we create reflections of Love/flow.
Aligning with the state of being of Love/gratitude/joy for everything within creates Love reflections/flow in the without.
Our toughest teachers
are the ones to be in the most gratitude for.
We eliminate the lack with gratitude/joy for everything.
Being in gratitude for every thought, every emotion is mastery.
How to change our reality?
Be gratitude/joy for everything?
The most difficult lessons: that unconscious parent, that trauma, that rape, that long uncomfortable marriage, that friend who. . .
Who are our toughest teachers?
What situations need our deepest Love?
That is where our gratitude is needed.
Being joy/gratitude for the most difficult reflections in our life creates flow — Love everywhere, to everything we are connected to — creates transformation.
Thank you, Sanat Kumara, the Council of Love,
and the Universal Law of Transmutation, Transformation.
Gratitude for every situation we can remember,
especially the most difficult memories,
helps Divinely Align Everything,
affects everyone we know.

As Within So Without
Nova Being, Nova Earth
Love, Trust, Forgiveness,
Unity and Community,
B a l a n c e
(1) In 2015 I was asked in meditation to extend apologies and ask for apologies for earlier life events.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Eliminating Lack with Gratitude | Voice of Freedom
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/21/2018 10:16:00 AM