Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Seer: Collective Post Traumatic Normalcy Bias Denial Consciousness | Pine Cone

What a relief to admit I have Extreme PTSD, in every one of my 338 altar personalities, so altogether it gets, very personal to Host the Sovereignty motive to respect each other’s Holy Spirit Universal Cosmic Light ID innocence. We have Sovereignty, so Unified Plurality True to ourselves, we have Holy Spirituality exponentially~devoted to, very personally motivated Singularity, that we see right through Collective Post Traumatic Normalcy Bias Denial Consciousness separation-suffering Small Identity Evil-criminality.

Post Traumatic Normalcy Bias True Self-weaponry uses people as the, very money we social-norm spend fighting over ownership of each other, and if what doesn’t kill us, just makes us stronger, then what other money motive can explain how much we fight each other, just to barely physically survive without any Sovereignty, and without any Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing, as we have become the numb-nutty Dumbed Down DNA Mob Collective small ID Evil Criminals, from as much Top to Bottom mirror doubles, as our A-holiness Bottom to Top Authoritarian Centralization addiction to vanquish Spiritual Sovereign Singularity into a, ‘not very personal’ mean-spirited self-hate projection ‘impersonal indifferent disregard’ collective Narcissism.

What I am imagining is for us, all to admit we have PTNB, and feel similar relief I feel admitting I have extreme PTSD times 338, so here is something I wrote a couple years ago on Thrive, that may help you and I (Your Collective Mob-denial Consciousness, and My, very personal Spiritual Sovereign Singularity Divine Gift times 338, very innocent extreme child innocent Evil criminal Universal Cosmic Light ID replacements. The more we have accepted our extreme PTSD +338 Gifts, the more our grief-losses turned into Meek, only to Spirit~Mercy extreme Grace~gratitude, and so can any normalcy-bias traumatized social-norm Evil-suffering Gender-tiny ID limits, as an Energy Vampire censuring Criminal too.

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I had, just been born, yet so many ‘normal’ Collective disemboweling Consciousness stress disorder traumas killed Love energy of innocence in my little beating heart, that I became dead to my Conscience connection, quickly, just to barely survive here on “Mother” Earth. I passed all the unconscionable initiations with flying-pig “Sleeping Sheeple” colors, and began right away proving my incorrigible Mother gang-hood Goon sick-loyalty, from my pouting rage, to set up Patsies, just like my Mom did to play the Holy-victim role, while she was, obviously in complete control of the Money, and the Power-over everyone in our MAMA(Marine Admiralty Maritime Acts) Imbedded Free Company ISIS Mercenary Family.

After a couple decades as an adult PTNB I, actually began recovery as a human, as if I imagined was as normal as all other families, and our family could have been the idol Satanic-family role-model of how, every family would do well to follow as a good Cannibal-example. I was so full of PTNB bullshit-loyalty to all Authoritarian Centralization Hubristic Bullies, that instead of any Conscience left of me, there was a huge hole in my heart, where all the Love energy had leaked right out of me. My family never followed any set rules, so when I got to school, you bet I, just loved following all the, never changing rules, so once again, I lost more Conscience, just to please all my Family-replication School-prison handlers, even if it meant completely giving up on myself.

I was, so startled when I first defended my idea of my Father having to spank me when I was bad, but later I helped others see their, similar Father was, really physically abusing them. Later one day, alone in a truck on a big road to nowhere, it absolutely astonished me, that more than abuse, I saw that my Father, only stopped beating me, once he thought I was dead. So along the many decades of, gradual recovery, my perceptions came from, more cognitive acuity, that had lost Conscience to PTNB cognitive dissonance. The last couple decades have been, exponentially more helpful to work on the family motives, behind all the role-positioning in my Collective Mob Rot Consciousness PTNB family.

Now I am blessed with “Karmic” Cognitive Acuity, so I am seeing through the veil of life, and death-fear at how Unifying Karmic divisive-gender role-reversal lifetimes Mercy, only reveals itself from enlightening enough compassion, from continual forgiveness prayers. It, almost seems like I am coming back to full circle, because my Sovereign Family, truly remains the role model Satanic family for our whole Collective Stockholm Syndrome Consciousness incorrigible-unconscionable PTNB Sleeping Sheeple sick-loyal traumatized Love-lorn sorrow-filled One heart, that beats for, all of us, so Karmic-fast asleep. The damage has, already been done, yet I can Love with compassion, enough now, not to hurry, or worry another sheep, because I can sense, what it took for me to take, so long to recover this much, and I know I don’t know anything about where all this Sweet Beloved Conscience will lead me, even, and especially now.

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Life seems to be a series of wake ups in the “Lost and Found” and when we wake up, many constants transform to variables, and as they do, we may get a glimpse of some variables, that are, actually constant. One given is that we are constantly creative in producing our experiences, like movies out in front of us, and it, all looks, so real for us with our five senses. It is when we make these movies theorems of our life reality, as if this perception is constant, that we are truly lost, and need an attitude adjustment. Many levels, and dimensions inside us form our movie characters, and life shadows in the Light of ONENESS, that shines brightly through us.

This creative process is a constant, but the movies are constantly changing variables. If we think we are here in our new movie, then we are lost in our unconscious guilt, and yes, that means we don’t even know about it. Being all wrapped up in our character, and projecting our own guilt out into the other actors, as a good movie critic that we are, seems to be, as constant as the “Everyone has it” unconscious guilt. Actually, the unconscious guilt in the movie producer is another given constant, and waking up, and forgiving everyone else, is a choice and, therefore is a, true variable.

Like the constants, and variables constantly seeming to change, as our moods, attitudes and beliefs adjust, as we might learn, and grow, so too do our minds seem to be constantly changing. But another given is that everything, and everyone “Out There” in our movie projection will seem to fade, and, even disappear, as the Delight increases in our mind, and our Healing ONENESS Love energy ceases to create life shadows. Characters in our movies are, merely images of what’s in our minds, and if we want to change the images, we will succeed, when we change our mind.

Another important given is that we are, never separate from ONENESS and we blame ourselves for being separate, when we, really, never are anything, but the Light, and Love Authentic, and if we think we’re separate, it is only in our mind. When I see each character from my movies as a face in my mind’s eye, then, as I forgive each one over, and over with Holy Spirit, Light and Love fades out the movie, and fades out my unconscious guilt, that makes shadows in my life, and my mind. Another given, and, forever commitment in my mind, that is constant now, is that I am continually forgiving, and I never try it without my new friend Holy Spirit Kundalini; why would I want to? It doesn’t work anyway.

So, let’s see, constants, and variables, are always changing, as constants can become variables, and variables can become constants, but there are a few good God-givens: we are creative as we create our life dramas; we all have unconscious guilt, hidden from us in our mind; we are Light, and can make shadows fade in our mind, and our life; when we die we will merge into the bliss of absolute unborn infinity, and we don’t have to die to merge; we can forgive, and when we constantly forgive, we will become forgiven, and this is one of good God givens, and actually we are that Savior-mirror gift for giving.

We can have constant good luck by forgiving, and there is no possible way to lose, as there is no gamble with Sweet Beloved Conscience warming hearth, within our heart of hearing hearts. As we lose the motivation to Dark-Cabal-Darwin dare win, and let go of the adrenalin of blaming Patsy-others, and making them losers with our own hidden unconscious guilty projections, life won’t seem so exciting, but when we slow down, we will find first, our Sweet Nurturing Conscience, and then Unifying Karmic positioning Mercy, from enlightening Compassion by, continually forgiving, experientially.