Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Energy Update (11/7/18) | Aluna Ash Clairvoyant

Published on Nov 6, 2018

The Vatican is being removed for the upliftment of Humanity.

**The solar eclipse at 27 degrees aqua was around 11pm while mars was at 11 degrees Feb 15th 2018 brought in the rainbow wave March timeline. Now Mars will be hitting the 27 degree of the Feb solar eclipse on 11-11-18 (111111,222,33) -reactivation of the rainbow wave timeline/Rainbow Bridge. I was actually shown that the ones that experience the last rainbow wave are creating the rainbow bridge for others, then those create the rainbow bridge for others, and so on.. which is the bridge to the 4th density Collective brain 5D consciousness

Increase in earthquake activity. Something was shown to me that looked like a mudslide also.

I was also guided to start writing down the info coming through and keeping it all together, i encourage others to do the same. Write down, keep in safe place.

We are defintely moving into our higher timelines and shifting paradigms as a collective, old 3d timelines created through programming are dissolving.