Friday, October 5, 2018

We're Tired of Waiting | Steve Beckow

We’re Tired of Waiting

October 5, 2018
By Steve Beckow

When we celebrate the Reval, the Company of Heaven can well congratulate us for waiting and enduring hardships.

Lightworkers are living in cars, living with relatives, traveling from place to place to manage waiting for prosperity funds to arrive, continuing to believe and hold on.

I know the CoH is listening. We need more direct dialogue between lightworkers and the CoH and more timely information on real-time issues if we’re to endure more waiting.

As boots on the ground, we need to continue carrying out our parts and roles with a degree of clarity and certainty, without dropping from discouragement and turning away.

Every army knows it needs to keep its troops informed to maintain morale. Somehow if we know the reason why we’re waiting, it makes our poverty and hardship a little more bearable.

We know full disclosure may not be advisable lest we expose our plans to the Illuminati. We accept parameters. But not a near news blackout as seems to be happening at the moment.

What for me would be a meaningful way to address this is a daily, accessible communication and information link, manned by well-informed sources on the CoH’s side (someone like Matthew Ward, for instance) and by responsible lightworker communications professionals (or citizen journalists) on this side. The terrestrial professionals would work the exchange and disseminate the information.

I’d think something like a spiritual Six O’Clock News would be highly acceptable. (Not me, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m already assigned to other duties, which I’m looking forward to. Kat? Oscar?)


I honor Kat for leading the way in letting the CoH know how we feel about blaming lightworkers, etc. (1)

The CoH’s recent messages have stirred us up. If that was the CoH’s purpose, you succeeded.

I think it’s useful to vent right now – responsibly, of course (and most of the email I’ve received has been of that type). We needed to vent and we did.

Repressed anger serves no one. Anger irresponsibly expressed also serves no one. Repressed anger allowed up and responsibly expressed clears the decks.

As a society we’ve been keeping a lot of subjects taboo and stuffed down. I don’t think that’ll serve us much longer.

No more withholds (secrets). No more suppression or projection. Just get it up (responsibly).

I’m not in favor of attacking others with our shares. I’m not advocating being used by the CIA and the rest of the cabal to further their agendas – in other words, being “co-opted.” (2)

But I am in favor of taking the suppression button off, clearing ourselves of undelivered communications, and then starting again with truth-speaking/heartfelt communications. A kind of general truth and reconciliation process, without waiting for governments to do it.

BTW, the people I know who are living in cars, living with relatives, and traveling to stay afloat are not grumbling about it. They accept their situation and hold on as their contribution as lightworkers. But enough is enough.

Knock and the door shall be opened. Ask and ye shall receive. I’m knocking and asking for fuller and more timely information if we still must face a wait.

Talk to us about it. Include us. Keep us informed please.


(1) “‘Dear Archangel Michael’ by Kat – 9.27.18,” September 28, 2018, at and “Dear St. Germain” by Kat – 10.2.18,” 10/02/2018, at See also “Letters to Kat,” September 29, 2018, at and “‘Thank you, Dinarlandia’ by Kat – 10.3.18,” 10/03/2018, at

(2) Any passionate movement stands a chance of being co-opted by the corrupted part of the CIA. Or it was created from scratch by the CIA as with Al Qaida, Antifa, and several other “movements.”

Source: Golden Age of Gaia