Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Weights and Concerns Lifting, Take the New Land | Lana Vawser

Posted on October 3, 2018


Hi Friends

Lana has recently placed some short posts on Facebook, but we weren’t able to publish them here at the time. Here they are:

Sept 30, 2018:

I heard the Lord decree….

“EXPAND, it is time to take the new land”

There is supernatural provision and empowerment of the Spirit upon you. You have been prepared in the pressing. There’s now a new land of expansion and positioning upon you. Do not fear that it’s beyond your capacity, that is the perfect place to be!! You are going to experience a whole new level of His empowerment and provision. You’re entering a new land of explosive favour and manifested miracles.

Sept 29, 2018:

I had a vision and saw weights and concerns surrounding many of God’s people and as God’s people focused on them I saw heavy sandbags attaching to their feet, heart and hands. Such a heaviness and inability to SOAR came upon them. I then saw Jesus appear and I heard Colossians 3:2:

“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

The Lord spoke about being intentional to focus on HIM and what HE has said. As I watched I saw many of God’s people turn in repentance and place their eyes back on Him and His goodness and faithfulness. As I looked at Jesus I could see promises that He has spoken over the very concerns that weighed God’s people down, were all contained IN HIM!

As God’s people intentionally focused and meditated on Jesus and what He has said, the weights and concerns didn’t get bigger, they got smaller and started to shake, shift and turn. The shoots of “new life” started bursting forth within these areas of weight and concern and they began to turn. Trusting Him and not worrying released such a joy within their hearts that was founded in Him and His words that they began to soar again and the power of God brought breakthrough and joy shifted the atmosphere.

The areas that have tried to weigh you down, turn away from looking at them and look at Jesus and what He has spoken, as there’s a major shift and breakthrough beginning to grow and flow.

Source: Lana Vawser Ministries