Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Energy Report Update: Optical Re-Aligning, Higher Heart Recalibration | Tiffany Stiles

Energy Report Update~ Optical Re-Aligning, Higher Heart Recalibration

Dear Beautiful Souls!

Energy Report Update~ by Tiffany Stiles

Optical realignment going on right now. Your field of vision is aligning to higher vibarational frequency… this can bring on migraines, restlessness, insomnia, or extreme tiredness, vertigo. Your hearing will be amplified, so quiet is a necessity! Loud noises will not fare well with this shift. BE in nature and hear the natural sounds that will calm you and bring Oneness.

The culprit is TWO massive coronal holes that have opened simultaneously on the sun, and are spewing a high rate of geomagetic storms and solar wind at Earth. POWERful SOULar ACTIVations taking place with this TWIN energy! This will affect the geomagetics of Earth with a massive spike in Schumann Resonance, keep checking the graphs to be prepared on how the energy is coming through. See Here!

There’s a burst of energy coming through the body as the frequency elevates/moves through, but this is not motion energy where as in you will want to do anything. You Won’t want to do anything, but lay still, but your cells are spinning rapidly inside as this moves through. Very high rate of cellular spin!

Think Merkabah Spin – Metatron’s Cube – Geometrics

You can feel this by heart palps that do not have pain. It will come and go in waves as your Higher Heart is also Re-Aligning to New Earth crystalline grid. This will increase hunger and thirst. A lot of water is required now so stay hydrated. Taste buds are shifting too, so what tasted good before may not now, and visa/versa.

If you’re experiencing this optical realignment don’t drive, and don’t try to focus on the image before you. It will be blurry, or out of focus, you may even see light emanating around objects. It’s best to close your eyes, at home, be in nature, and be in a peaceful state with “zero sound or outside interference.” (weather permitting). If not, find a quiet place inside and just BE. Close your eyes and rest; allow the re-alignment to take place.

As this continues through in the coming days, you will notice your eyesight becoming sharper at night, and you will see energy in all forms; photons, auras, auric fields, magnetic fields, geometric shapes, inter-dimensional realms and the frequency at which they vibrate at, etc… Everything is energy and each spectrum holds it’s own frequency. Seeing (hearing) energy will show you much more than you’ve ever seen before on every level. Click Here to HEAR a Sunflower sing in its frequency.

Optical/Higher Heart realignment and recalibration taking place to align with higher vibrational frequency of 5D and higher.

Getting Grounded ~ Staying Grounded very important. I’ve had no shoes on for 2 weeks, only when I have to go out somewhere, but at home, no shoes. Make it a daily practice to connect with Earth and anchor these high vibrational frequencies.

Will update as we go.. On 5D & higher

Link to monitor the Schumann Resonance> Click Here!

Much love, Tiffany Stiles

Metaphysical Life Coach ~ Psychic Intuitive Empath

Source: Tiffany Stiles