Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Money is Love (Part 1/2) | Kat

Money Is Love – Oct. 3, 2018 – Part 1/2

October 3, 2018
By Kat

Lakshmi, Goddess of Wealth & Beauty

Many articles have been written in GAoG about the rampant soul-crushing sexual abuse and trafficking of men, women and children, as well as the centuries of shocking abuse of children by members of the Catholic Church.

I applaud Steve for declaring an end to these abuses on or before January 1, 2020. God willing, that date is met. Sexual abuse, in all its forms, is one of the tragic legacies of the darkness from which we’re striving to ascend.

Unfortunately, abuse on Gaia doesn’t end with the sexual abuse of men, women and children. EVERY THING and EVERY BEING on Earth has been abused and misused, ravaged and trashed.

The planet herself – our blessed Gaia and her beautiful Kingdoms – was savaged to the point of near extinction after the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki were detonated in August, 1945. (1)

Gaia’s waters – oceans, rivers, and lakes – are continuously poisoned; her air and skies are unceasingly polluted; her mountain tops are blighted by mining; her coal, oil, gas, precious stones, crystals, minerals, plants, forests, flowers, weather, ozone layer, and her Animal Kingdom—all ravaged, grist for the dark mill.

I won’t begin to list the disgusting abuses and killings of quadrillions of angelic Animals. The barbarism with which Animals have been treated for millennia defies description.

And of course, Humanity, has been massacred by totally-unnecessary perpetual war, crime, poisonous drugs, illnesses, starvation, and on.

What you may ask, do these terrible abuses have to do with Money?

I wrote in my first article that “money is a fake thing.” That was an inaccurate statement and I apologize to money for writing it. Money was indeed created by man.

“The first known currency was created by King Alyattes in Lydia, now part of Turkey, in 600 BC. The first coin ever minted features a roaring lion.” (2)

Although Money was man-created, it has its own energy, its own frequency, its own consciousness. It was weaponized to destroy and enslave Humanity by the cabal/illuminati/darkness (however you wish to call them) that has been controlling and trashing this planet for millennia, but Money is by no means an inanimate “thing.” Money has also been misused and abused by the cabal as has everything in this 3rd Dimension.

My Money journey began in my family, where even the mention of the word “money” was considered impolite. My mother’s relationship to money centered on fear, anger, and punishment.

Happily, my father thought money was fun and joyous and throughout his life he made it and spent it with glee. Unfortunately, I took on my mother’s feelings towards money.

But after some years of studying Prosperity, my relationship with Money was healed. In my experience today, Money is an unceasing blessing and joy, as well as a benevolent ethereal presence.

My Money journey has gone from me believing I didn’t deserve hardly enough for myself to live on to holding a Hundred Trillion Dollar Zim note in my hand and imagining all the wonderful things I could do with it, without an ounce of guilt, shame, apology, or fear.

I refer to a quote about money I’ve never forgotten. Once I read it two years ago it again shifted my relationship with money, how I think about it, how I give it and how I receive it:

“…You must remember that Money has its own consciousness. It’s not some dumb stupid piece of paper that knows nothing.

“It carries a specific energy especially this money that is coming into your life now [the Reval money.] It will have more consciousness than ever before. It will work with you as a partner for the greater service to Earth and Humanity. If you do not keep up on your part of the agreement then the money will decide to leave on its own accord.

“You see, we are living in a very different time now and more are becoming aware that everything has consciousness even that which we feel is dead, or devoid of life or just a piece of inanimate substance.” ~ Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba, 9-28-16 (3)

That is the phrase that shifted my perspective: EVERYTHING has consciousness. My coffee cup, jewelry, toaster, car, tee shirts and of course, the Archangel Gaia and her kingdoms—everything.

As Albert Einstein once said, “There are two ways to live: You can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.”

I choose to live as if everything is a miracle, and therefore, for me, everything has consciousness, including Money.

(Tomorrow: Dr. Emoto’s experiments with water help me decide my relationship with money.)


(1) Steve recently posted an article suggesting that Gaia would also have died from depleted-uranium poisoning. DU is a planet-killer. See “This Planet Would Have Died Without the Galactics,” September 5, 2018, at

(2) “The History of Money: from barter to bitcoin,” Telegraph, October 29, 2014, at

“The British Museum Explore / Money” at

(3) “Mushaba Platinum Light by Anakhanda Shaka Mushaba,” September 28, 2016, at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia