Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Living in the Heart of Awareness (Part 2/3) | Steve Beckow

Living in the Heart of Awareness – Part 2/3

October 3, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Ashtavakra instructs King Janaka

If you wish to be free,
Know you are the Self,
The witness of all these,
The heart of awareness. (1)

Yes, know the Self. For sure. Pure, innocent, natural. Noble, righteous, and dedicated.

Forget what the churches say about being born in sin. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We’re born in innocence and purity. After our birth a drama is set in motion that involves bleedthrough from our past lives, input from our guides and our already-ascended Selves (from ascended master to angelic order), conditioning from our environment, karma, all mixed together to form a dough that is ready to be placed in the oven of experience and … here we are, as Kahlil Gibran said, “sacred bread for God’s sacred feast.” (2)

We’re not the drama of our lives. We’re not our words or deeds. We’re not anything to be found in the Third or any other dimension. We exist beyond dimensions as what Ashtavakra or Byrom calls the “Self,” what other Hindus have called the Atman, and what Jesus called the Christ.

And then he describes as much of it as can be known: The witness.

Ashtavakra’s is one cut among many that one could take on the subject of the Self.

Have you ever noticed that, no matter what happens, “I” am always around and watching. “I” never disappears from the scene, not even in sleep.

Wake up and “I” am always the first thing that awakens. Becoming aware of the witness is the very first way we know this Self, this “I.”

There are more ways to know it. One can know it as Love – real love, true love, the kind of love that is known in the “liberated” state which would be deep Fifth-Dimension and deeper. (Or if you prefer, high Fifth-Dimension and higher.)

The Self is also that Love and can be known as it.

It can be known as bliss or joy or any of the divine states as well. “Known” as in realizing at the level of Sahaja or deeper. The bliss that’s known in the Third/Fourth Dimension does not compare with the bliss that’s known in the higher dimensions.

But the very first way we make any connection at all with the Self is in fact, I maintain, by noticing that “I” am always around. I am that “I.” That “I” is the Self.

And then the last sentence….


(1) Thomas Byrom, trans., The Heart of Awareness. A Translation of the Ashtavakra Gita. Boston and Shaftesbury: Shamballa, 1990, 1.

(2) Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet, at

Source: Golden Age of Gaia