Finding our Balance with the Blessing and Virtue of Prudence (Part 2/2) | Voice of Freedom

Finding our Balance with the Blessing and Virtue of Prudence – Part 2/2

October 7, 2018
By Kathleen Mary Willis

(Concluded from yesterday.)

Here is a practical example St. Bernadette gives us:

Is it prudent to spend $300 on a pair of jeans, or not?

Are we thinking these jeans will last me a lifetime and we are 
giving our self a treat?

Bernadette reminds us we are here to examine our motivations and that when we live in that place of BALANCE we feel better.

In that place of BALANCE is inspiration.

We are going to feel we are exactly where we need to be 

and that everything needed will show up in perfect Divine Timing.

Bernadette says the reward of prudence — “it is not prudence for prudence sake” — is that it leads us to a place where we feel we are not living in scarcity and not living in drama.

She also suggests that a $300 pair of jeans is drama.


Bernadette says she wishes to be one who helps us. She explains when she was within the cocoon of her family, even after the visions, but particularly beforehand, although they were very poor and there was rarely enough, there was a very strong component of faith.

She said that the faith and trust that was embedded within her from her mother and father was very strong.

There was an acknowledgement that although they did not have the riches of many in society, they had other richness, and that sustained them.

They did not look to the sacred beloved Mother or the Father as some distant deity, but someone who helped them out on a daily basis.

When Bernadette first began to see “the Lady” she said, “It was so beautiful, magnificent, not just her beauty, but the light that filled her and then filled me, what I have described as the sacred fire.” (1)

She said it gave her no choice but to continue on. . .


Many called her a very stubborn child and they wished her to recant what she was saying because such visitations by the Mother do not happen to 
“a young, poor child who has no stature, who has no place, no claim in society.”

Bernadette said they were very rough with her and quite cruel, but that she has long since forgiven them, and even did so at the time.

She said she could not betray “the Lady,” could not lie, and she knew despite the fact that no one else could see what she was seeing or hear the messages that she was hearing, that she could not deny this precious gift.

This was the only gift, other than her family, that she was ever given.

When “the Lady” instructed her to dig in the mud, even eat the mud and the grass that grew from this spring, they thought that she was becoming deeply psychotic.

‘Psychotic’ was not a word used in those times, but they threatened if she continued, they would simply lock her up, put her away in an asylum — Bernadette said that the asylums for the insane at that time were nothing like we have today — and still she could not deny what she saw.

She said she was stubborn, had fortitude, and this is what many of us are finding we have as we go through our Ascension journey into the higher realms.


Finally, and quite quickly, the proof came for Bernadette from the mud in the form of a spring, water that flowed, and healed others.

Bernadette says each of us are truly facing this dilemma that she had. Where is the proof and she says we are asking our selves,

How can we do this work without any external evidence?

This is one of the reasons why the Council of Love has asked us to focus on the Divine Blessings and Virtues — “the proofs, the landmarks, the markers have become internal rather than external” — that this is something new for us to learn.

This is Nova Being.
We are learning a new way of measuring proof 

and it is within.

When Bernadette had this proof within her, she would rather die, rather be locked away, than deny what she knew to be true.

She could not deny what she knew, and she says, neither can we.

Bernadette says,
in the moderation and the balance, 

we will find the joy.

She said in her life with her visitations of “the Lady,” and her life that followed, and her life with each of us — “because do not think that my life, my existence is over, it is not” — she finds enormous joy, this gladness of her heart and this is something she would like us to bring forth in our life.

So often prudence is seen in the way of denial, and she says that is the old way.

Prudence is not denial.
Prudence is being in the BALANCE of our joy
— and doing — 

not just thinking or holding faith and trust,

but doing what brings us joy.

Bernadette gives us her blessings, each and every one of us, and also reminds us that all water is healing water, that when we say a prayer to the Mother and ask her to bless our water — to turn it into the sacred healing waters — that request and that prayer is always heard, and as we sip that water, she says she is with us.

In closing, Bernadette wishes us to know
that she knows what it is to have our faith tested
and she encourages us to be strong,
to find our BALANCE.



(1) St. Bernadette Discusses Prudence: the First Gift of the 13 Blessings and Virtues, February 5, 2013, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,

All quotes from same source.


Much gratitude to Saint Bernadette
for teaching us the blessing and virtue of prudence
and to Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Finding our Balance with the Blessing and Virtue of Prudence (Part 2/2) | Voice of Freedom Finding our Balance with the Blessing and Virtue of Prudence (Part 2/2) | Voice of Freedom Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/07/2018 12:20:00 PM Rating: 5

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