Finding our Balance with the Blessing and Virtue of Prudence (Part 1/2) | Voice of Freedom

Finding our Balance with the Blessing and Virtue of Prudence – Part 1/2

October 6, 2018
By Kathleen Mary Willis

Each blessing and virtue is Infinite and Eternal, the perfect balance of the Mother’s Blessing, Ability, Movement, Vibration and the Virtue, the Sense of the Father, the frequency born of the stillness.

In February 2013, Saint Bernadette, from her perspective as a young girl in human form, then later as a woman, taught us the Divine Blessing and Virtue of Prudence through channel for the Council of Love, Linda Dillon.

Bernadette told us she was:

“A woman who chose her path despite many obstacles.” (1)

She said that when she began to share with her sister, and then with her good friend, Marie France, that she was seeing a “Lady” (the Mother), not only were they afraid, but they thought she was crazy.

Bernadette went on to say we have experienced much the same thing with our Ascension process, telling those around us we are going “to shift dimensions, take care of each other, and lift everyone up out of the poverty, in every sense of the word, of the human existence.”

Many have thought we are crazy when we say we are going to be prudent in our actions, not only with ourselves but with one another, that we are not going interfere with the another’s journey but be there as support and sometimes the observer.

As way-showers,
true to our sacred selves,
we are practicing not only prudence
but also temperance, BALANCE and moderation.


Bernadette says a quality of prudence is knowing when to say something and when to keep quiet:

“To know exactly where to place the word, where to place the energy, where to place the look in the eye, the smile on your lips, the touch of the hand, that is encouragement, not theft.

“When to stay still and understand, that in that quietude you are holding the energy for the person or the group that you are working with.

“That this is something that they need to proceed with, that they are perhaps not quite ready to hear, or that it is something that they need to discover for themselves.”

She teaches us that giving others the opportunity to discover something for themselves is often overlooked and underrated.

Bernadette gives the example of a small child wanting to understand how an object works, sitting, staring at it, maybe bringing it into the mouth, until it has the concept of what it is.

Upon discovery that it doesn’t taste good, the child will probably avoid putting in its mouth again.

She says we discover our BALANCE
by trying and she is here to help us.


We may have found balance in the past, receiving helpful instruction learning to skate, ride a bicycle or ski.

The same with our sacred journey, there is much information available.

That moment, when we finally find
our centre of BALANCE
on our sacred journey,
everything clicking into place
may bring back memories of learning a sport.

BALANCE is not something that can be taught, and even when the instructor demonstrates time and time again, it only happens when it occurs for us.


With the Ascension process, all energy and all focus has been on the Love and on the heart, but Saint Bernadette says with prudence, the focus is on the Halion chakra, which is at the bottom of our rib cage — our connection our star brothers and sisters, not only above, but all around us — and the siroun chakra which is the high heart.

When we are
opening both these centres
— above and below the heart centre —
we are allowing the heart without interference,
to come into BALANCE, into that place of moderation.

Moderation, Bernadette says, is not a popular notion, particularly in western civilization.

But she says, in the anchoring of Nova Being and Nova Earth, moderation is necessary, because in moderation there is no high drama. She also says Ascension does not mean that there are not moments of incredible excitement.

When Bernadette saw “the Lady” there was great excitement in her heart, mind and body. She said her body felt like it was on fire.

She says excitement is “absolutely wondrous,” akin to the virtues of awe and joy, and with prudence being the place of moderation, the balancing between the fire and the healing waters, it is “not blasé” at all.


Bernadette goes on to say the practice of each of the blessings and virtues is not a matter of feeling that we are intuitive or that we are blessed in some extraordinary way. She explains they are:
not so much expansion as anchoring,

that anchoring is the expansion.


Our sacred journeys can seem long, hard, difficult, discouraging, but when we are practicing prudence, prudence is BALANCE.

Prudence is also checking our self.

When we are doing something,

it is very important that we take into account our self.

An example would be the preparation of a meal. Often we cook too much food and then we eat too much. Bernadette asks us if this is prudence?

She says we act this way often from a sense of wanting security, that when we are eating it can be social, maybe also a celebration, sacred time, and for many families it is the only time for sitting together, gathering together.

One of the ways we can practice prudence is to look at the food and say,

“Now is this truly prudence and balance and moderation or am I overdoing it? Am I wasting food?

“Am I cooking for tomorrow? Is this ridiculous or is this what we need for the day?”

Then Bernadette reminds us that we have a tendency to fly into blame of self, taking responsibility for something that we have done or not done, feeling the guilt and shame, and we go on and on and on, not necessarily to whoever we have offended or mistreated, but to our self.

She says that this is not balance, 
moderation, temperance or prudence.

The virtue of prudence
is to acknowledge where we have gone awry,
to look at it, then to do whatever repair work is necessary
— including, especially, letting it go —
apologizing to our self, the Universe,
whomever we have harmed,
then to proceed.

It is not to dwell on it day after day after day, saying to our selves,

“I made a mistake. I can never go on.”

That is not prudent, that is not kindness.

The blessing and virtue of prudence is to bring prudence
to the practical level, how we live our daily life.

(To be concluded tomorrow.)


(1) St. Bernadette Discusses Prudence: the First Gift of the 13 Blessings and Virtues, February 5, 2013, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,

All quotes from same source.

Much gratitude to Saint Bernadette
for teaching us the blessing and virtue of prudence
and to Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love.

Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Finding our Balance with the Blessing and Virtue of Prudence (Part 1/2) | Voice of Freedom Finding our Balance with the Blessing and Virtue of Prudence (Part 1/2) | Voice of Freedom Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 10/06/2018 09:32:00 AM Rating: 5

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