FIFTY8 INTERVIEWS Louise Kay / PART III The Power of Surrender
PART III / The Power of Surrender
Louise talks more in depth about her this idea of “I.” Which is just a thought. This identity and identification are just stories and thoughts. When we move through life in the heart and in the moment, we allow the divine to move through us. We have to give up the control and everything we believe in so we can hand over our true power to our pure awareness. She invites others to this in her sessions of Embodied Awareness and Meetings in Presence. Many times something that’s underneath the surface bubbles up that needs to be released. We meet what comes up and explore what arises in the moment.
Drop the attention to the body and notice the sensations that are present. Open and allow it to be here and feel it. Surrender to the moment. When we meet the moment in this way, the system then comes back into balance by itself. Most people are searching for something outside of themselves or in the future for happiness, or love. But if we all stop for a moment, we’d find out that it exists right now, inside of ourselves.
Louise also talks about how this path seems to choose us. This opening and “work” is actually in the non-doing and being. She also talks about how “spirituality” is also a trap of a new belief system. Which is no different as the identification is in place and not the surrendering of our true nature which is pure awareness, pure love.
Everyone is doing their best and as true awareness, some move and live their life with unconscious patterns that are running the show. Everyone is on their own journey and we can support them with compassion and unconditional love. When we look at each other, there is no “you” or “me” only awareness looking back at itself.
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FIFTY8 Magazine
The Power of Surrender (Part III) | FIFTY8 Interviews Louise Kay
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/04/2018 11:45:00 PM