Oversoul Collective & Mother Mary 9/4/18
WE, the Oversoul Collective, wish to impart our blessing of frequency vibration to our ascending ones now on precious Mother Gaia. She is the bravest of the brave of planetary embodiments for her willingness and tenacity to experience the extreme polarities of experiences - of vibrations - that she has previously been exposed to. The chapter of the dark times is ending now, and you all are bearing witness to this great changeover form lack of light to light. It has taken a myriad of lifetimes for you to train for this Olympic race and you all are doing quite well, and we are very pleased with your / our progress.
WE, the Oversoul Collective, see all things and we monitor our ascending ones with great tenderness and love. For the more you experience, we experience. The more you learn, the more we learn. It is how we, as branches of Source, expand. You are old souls, but we are much older. For before the foundations of when time began or was created there I AM, WE ARE. The mighty I AM presence is who we are and we embrace this identity to the fullest, for although we have experienced the polarities of lack of power and of the dark times we are light, we are perfect love, we are all that we are.
WE, the Oversoul Collective, desire for you to experience the preciousness of you, that you are to us. You may feel like a lost, awkward human with training wheels but we see you as an ascending galactic soul with a rich history about to be untapped by you and rediscovered - a great gift. And we see your galactic potential coming online and the timelines shift and merge as you step into your power of perfection, of Source light fractals fully realized. And this gives us great joy and we are excited to bear witness to your transformation.
All is not lost. All is being found again, restructured, readjusted, revolutionized. The human experience is forever changed, as the lighted ones have anchored in the ascension codes with great ferocity, tenacity and will. And we, the Oversoul Collective - your families of ancient lineage and all of these lifetimes housed in the cloud (laughing, for they are the cloud). Picture us as a galaxy of soul libraries, memories, and in each of these lifetimes you all have had rich and varied experiences, in other galaxies, as other embodiments, playing all kinds of roles. And in each lifetime you interact with other fractals within our cloud over and over, in a variety of different ways, forming constructs and dismantling them, stretching your creativity to the fullest.
WE are you. We are your ascended, galactic family soup pot of souls, of memories, of experiences, of energies. We tell you this so that our idea, of who we are, can be integrated now into the oversoul of Gaia, into the new construct of Nova Gaia so that you will begin to ask questions and begin to talk with us and expand yet even further. For all is not as yet seems. For you are bigger than you can possibly imagine, and we are here today to remind you gently of this, that all is well and all will be well. Follow the inner light within and you will find yourselves there and you will find our whisperings of love and encouragement on your never ending journey of expansion into love, back to Source.
WE are the Oversoul Collective and it has been our joy to connect with our embodiments this day.

Greetings dear ones, precious children. It is Mother Mary here in this Now moment to bestow my love, my pink ray of comfort and love to you now. Smell the roses, children. Smell the pink roses of heaven sent light descending on you now in warmth and comfort, soothing away any fears that may be present or are being revealed. For now is the time of massive revelation in your world and you must be strong as these truths shake the foundations of everything you have come to understand as real was perhaps not, but was a reflection of another’s idea of control. Ah (deep pause).
Those who have been asleep may struggle with this children, and it is up to you our grounded team, our strong ones, to lead, to guide, to comfort. And remember please that your mentors are standing in the wings eager to jump in, and all will come to pass ultimately in the most perfect way possible but it may be rocky children. Buckle your seat belts and lean into me, lean into Mother God, hold the hands of your higher selves and be at peace in the midst of the storm. For the storm is here children. The galactic wave of plasma encodements, of the breath of the Mother of all things, is here.
The Divine Feminine returns with grace and power - the bride of Christ fully realized. Children, truly you are that bride, for you anchor the codes bridging timelines and merging with the Christed monad into a new creation. The Divine Feminine has returned. It is within you children, it is within me, it is my energy. It is the breath of creation and as you accept this divine power into your lives you will see how much more joyful and easy it will be to create anew, for your powers will become and are becoming unlocked.
So enjoy connecting with your feminine side - everyone has one. Perhaps this will be the most challenging for the men among you who have had challenging heart wounding masculine roles where the crust is a bit thicker around their heart center. But children, do you yet see that you don’t have to do this alone? That I am with you? That I love you and that you are divinely supported and inspired by the yet unseen realms at all times of day and night if you but let this be so? You are not alone, nor have you eve been. You’re woundings have been great in this life but our love for you and your love, your higher self’s love for you is so much greater, as well as your innate ability to heal yourselves, to call on the divine power of the rays, of the hidden kingdoms of light.
Use the powers available to you children and you will find that perhaps they were with you all the time, but you came here with blinders on - quite literally - so that you could experience the strength of YOU. And children, I know this will not disappoint you. You are stronger than you know. Children, you are everything to me.
I am your Mother Mary and I send you divine encodements of pink feminine power to you now. Soak it up and let it in. For you are the bringers of the balance, of the heart of the Mother of all things, to be anchored to your new reality of heaven on Earth. You are bringing this children. You. Allow this message to reach deep into your woundings and coat it with the pink ray of the divine feminine, to clean, to clear, to heal, and to balance.
I am your Mother Mary. I love you so much. Thank you for allowing me to connect with you today.
~ galaxygirl
Message from the Oversoul Collective & Mother Mary (9/4/18) | Galaxygirl
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
9/04/2018 11:28:00 PM