Orienting Ourselves to Our Lightwork – Part 2/4
August 26, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Credit: First Church in Belmont
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
Is the veil disintegrating?
Pleiadian Archangelic Realm: The veils are coming down, and with them go thousands upon thousands of years of subterfuge and deception. (1)
SaLuSa of Sirius: The veil that has kept you this way is falling away, and as you draw more Light to yourself so you increase your degree of awareness. With it also comes the assurance that you can handle your own spiritual development. (2)
Pleiadian Council of Nine: Realizing the inner-Godhood that we all possess within and realizing that we are all constructed of the same Source energy no matter our outer appearances, will be another significant factor in lifting the veils from humanity’s minds and hearts. (3)
Jesus: Your true nature can no longer be hidden from you by the deceptive veil of illusion because that veil is disintegrating irreparably as more and more of you open your hearts to the Love that God offers you constantly in every moment of your existence.
You know, deep within yourselves, that you are divine Beings, it is just that as humans you have forgotten because forgetfulness is a powerful limitation that a body takes upon itself upon incarnating, but as the veil dissolves so does forgetfulness. Awareness of your true nature is dawning on more and more of you each day and that awareness is intensifying the effect of the solvent – LOVE – that is dissolving the illusion. (4)
Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation: When you awaken from the dream into Reality, all that has seemingly hurt you or caused you suffering will be gone without a trace. There will be nothing in the way of painful memories to disturb the infinite joy of being consciously in the Presence of God, our divine Source.
The time that is to bring us together [i.e., Disclosure] swiftly approaches. Look at this time as the moment when you renew your acquaintances with that part of your family, which you forgot about. This cloud of amnesia is at that time to be graciously lifted. (5)
Hilarion: It is time to step up to the next level of your journey. That which you are waiting for is your own remembrance of the magnificence you are. This remembrance is coded within you, and it is connected to an event in your life that will or has already taken place. (6)
Archangel Uriel: To expand into the potential of the energy now available to the planet, you must recall your past, the experiences you have had in other lifetimes, timelines and dimensions, as teachers and healers who have participated in previous Ascension cycles. You are already aligned with this energy from other aspects and incarnations. Now you must align with it from your human aspect and perspective. (7)
The Pleiadians: Be perfect in the understanding that you are of cosmic nature. Be fearless in your inner explorations of that nature and in your approach of divine self-realization. You are on the path of possibility becoming reality. Mindful of your energetic mastery of thought, remember! (8)
Archangel Michael: You are relearning the master skills you enjoyed in the higher realms. Remember, you have been a master builder of worlds without end, and you have existed in the higher realms much longer than you have been entrapped in the dense environment of the lower dimensions. (9)
The Hathors: Nothing about your existence on the Earth says you have to deny the higher dimensions or otherwise not perceive of them; only you allow yourselves to believe that the veils between your world and the higher dimensions are too thick.
Indeed they’re not, and at this stage they can be practically seen through as ever-more souls embrace the higher dimensions and all that comes with them.
The higher dimensions and the existence of us souls in these dimensions will be widely disclosed on your world in the time ahead, and the communications we’ve been offering for so long will come to be understood by your collective as aspects of the assistance we wish to give you along your ascension.
Messages from us and many others published to your internet that have only been viewed by a certain segment of the Lightworker public will be opened up to, as it’s understood that we very actively communicate with humanity in an effort to reach you and help you grow back toward our realms.
Previous ridicule or mock will give way to open-minded understandings about the reality of the assistance we’ve given for so long. (10)
Archangel Michael: While in a human form, you do not leave the first four dimensions: mineral, vegetable, animal and human planes of consciousness. You must balance and harmonize them back into the designated frequencies of harmony and balance in order to tap into the higher planes of Light. The Universal Laws of manifestation will only allow you to integrate the energetic vibrations of higher dimensions as each lower sub-dimension is returned to the appropriate, harmonious, frequency patterns…
In other words, within your mental body, the frequency patterns for each level of consciousness (or dimension) were stored in what we have termed Light packets of wisdom. These were encased in membranes of Light or a veil which restricted access to the various higher dimensional awareness levels until you were, once again, resonating to that level of consciousness. It is time for the veils of unconsciousness to be lifted, Beloveds, so that you can remember the vastness of who you are, the grand experiences you have had, and the bright future that is before you.
Consciousness/creation/manifestation in the higher realms are fluid and malleable, and are redefined and reconstructed at each higher-dimensional level in order to be compatible with the vibrational patterns of that reality. This is the process that is taking place on Earth, and within and around each human Being on the Earthly plane at this time. The more rigid, fearful and resistant to change a person is, the more difficult the transition process will be for him/her. (11)
What I can tell you at this time is that the stage is set for some unusual occurrences. Events will occur that you would not have imagined. Fear not for it is all a part of the stripping away of the veil of forgetfulness leading into the full remembrance of who and what you are as Multi-dimensional Beings. These occurrences will coalesce into a powerful form that will catapult you and the planet into a much higher level of consciousness. Are you ready?
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: There is little time remaining for third dimensional conclusions. This includes every area in your lives as well as the Earth’s. You will need to garner new solutions to solve problems. You will find these new discoveries bring swift results with remarkable outcomes. This means that you will need to remain open to change and not feel like “We have always done it this way.” The old excuses will not be feasible for as you move into higher consciousness you will find that higher frequencies require higher vibrational solutions. (12)
Ashtar: The veil at the end of this trimester will not suddenly lift – your return back home to full consciousness is a process. But there shall come a point in your journey where you will take a big step forward to enable you to build upon this step, to integrate all that you have achieved so far in every cell of your Being, and to allow you to go ahead with your journey back home to where you belong.
And the moment for you to take this step is just around the corner. You will make great progress and be pleasantly surprised with your achievements.” (13)
The Arcturians: When YOU (the holographic projection) can observe your Divine Matrix in the sixth dimension (your SELF in the ONE) while still holding your holographic form, the third dimensional veils of illusion are released. You can then eternally commune with and return to your SELF who lives eternally in unity with the ONE. (14)
(Continued in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) Pleiadian Archangelic Realm, “Angels, Angels Everywhere” by Bella Capozzi. December 14, 2012, http://theangeldiaries.org/2012/12/14/.
(2) SaLuSa, Aug. 8, 2011, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) “Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – Gaia’s Energetic Framework is Changing and Transforming,” channelled through Wes Annac, Dec. 31, 2012, channeled before Dec. 21, 2012, athttp://aquariuschannelings.com/2012/12/21/the-ascended-masters-and-the-hathors-you-are-being-initiated-into-a-whole-new-paradigm-of-consciousness/.
(4) Jesus through John Smallman, Aug. 24, 2015, at http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com
(5) “Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle,” April 28, 2015, at https://www.paoweb.com/sn042815.htm.
(6) Hilarion, Sep. 7, 2014, at http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarionsweeklymessage.htm
(7) “Archangel Uriel: Align With The Energies That Are In Line For You,” channelled by Jennifer Hoffman. March 17, 2014, at http://enlighteninglife.com/align-energies-line/.
(8) “The Pleiadians: Lock Was Broken on the Time Machine – Now Is Here,” channeled by Maryann Rada, March 13, 2014, athttp://timetransformers.wordpress.com/.
(9) “Archangel Michael: Creating your Sphere of Heavenly Light,” channelled through Ronna Herman, February 2014, athttp://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html.
(10) “The Hathors: Karmic Acceleration, Exposure of Tyranny and Understanding Channels,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 30, 2013 at http://aquariusparadigm.com.
(11) “Archangel Michael: The Path of Ascension is the Path to Freedom,” channelled by Ronna Herman, August 29, 2013, at http://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html.
(12) Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. Channelled by Valerie Donner, August 6, 2013 at http://www.thegroundcrew.com/channeled_messages.htm.
(13) “Ashtar: Update on your Current Timeline,” channeled by Phillip July 31, 2013 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/ashtar-via-philipp-update-on-your-current-timeline.
(14) The Arcturians, “Rewriting the Hologram,” March 2010, through Dr. Suzanne Carroll, at http://www.suzanneliephd.com/newsletters/newsletter.html.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
August 26, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Credit: First Church in Belmont
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
Is the veil disintegrating?
Pleiadian Archangelic Realm: The veils are coming down, and with them go thousands upon thousands of years of subterfuge and deception. (1)
SaLuSa of Sirius: The veil that has kept you this way is falling away, and as you draw more Light to yourself so you increase your degree of awareness. With it also comes the assurance that you can handle your own spiritual development. (2)
Pleiadian Council of Nine: Realizing the inner-Godhood that we all possess within and realizing that we are all constructed of the same Source energy no matter our outer appearances, will be another significant factor in lifting the veils from humanity’s minds and hearts. (3)
Jesus: Your true nature can no longer be hidden from you by the deceptive veil of illusion because that veil is disintegrating irreparably as more and more of you open your hearts to the Love that God offers you constantly in every moment of your existence.
You know, deep within yourselves, that you are divine Beings, it is just that as humans you have forgotten because forgetfulness is a powerful limitation that a body takes upon itself upon incarnating, but as the veil dissolves so does forgetfulness. Awareness of your true nature is dawning on more and more of you each day and that awareness is intensifying the effect of the solvent – LOVE – that is dissolving the illusion. (4)
Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation: When you awaken from the dream into Reality, all that has seemingly hurt you or caused you suffering will be gone without a trace. There will be nothing in the way of painful memories to disturb the infinite joy of being consciously in the Presence of God, our divine Source.
The time that is to bring us together [i.e., Disclosure] swiftly approaches. Look at this time as the moment when you renew your acquaintances with that part of your family, which you forgot about. This cloud of amnesia is at that time to be graciously lifted. (5)
Hilarion: It is time to step up to the next level of your journey. That which you are waiting for is your own remembrance of the magnificence you are. This remembrance is coded within you, and it is connected to an event in your life that will or has already taken place. (6)
Archangel Uriel: To expand into the potential of the energy now available to the planet, you must recall your past, the experiences you have had in other lifetimes, timelines and dimensions, as teachers and healers who have participated in previous Ascension cycles. You are already aligned with this energy from other aspects and incarnations. Now you must align with it from your human aspect and perspective. (7)
The Pleiadians: Be perfect in the understanding that you are of cosmic nature. Be fearless in your inner explorations of that nature and in your approach of divine self-realization. You are on the path of possibility becoming reality. Mindful of your energetic mastery of thought, remember! (8)
Archangel Michael: You are relearning the master skills you enjoyed in the higher realms. Remember, you have been a master builder of worlds without end, and you have existed in the higher realms much longer than you have been entrapped in the dense environment of the lower dimensions. (9)
The Hathors: Nothing about your existence on the Earth says you have to deny the higher dimensions or otherwise not perceive of them; only you allow yourselves to believe that the veils between your world and the higher dimensions are too thick.
Indeed they’re not, and at this stage they can be practically seen through as ever-more souls embrace the higher dimensions and all that comes with them.
The higher dimensions and the existence of us souls in these dimensions will be widely disclosed on your world in the time ahead, and the communications we’ve been offering for so long will come to be understood by your collective as aspects of the assistance we wish to give you along your ascension.
Messages from us and many others published to your internet that have only been viewed by a certain segment of the Lightworker public will be opened up to, as it’s understood that we very actively communicate with humanity in an effort to reach you and help you grow back toward our realms.
Previous ridicule or mock will give way to open-minded understandings about the reality of the assistance we’ve given for so long. (10)
Archangel Michael: While in a human form, you do not leave the first four dimensions: mineral, vegetable, animal and human planes of consciousness. You must balance and harmonize them back into the designated frequencies of harmony and balance in order to tap into the higher planes of Light. The Universal Laws of manifestation will only allow you to integrate the energetic vibrations of higher dimensions as each lower sub-dimension is returned to the appropriate, harmonious, frequency patterns…
In other words, within your mental body, the frequency patterns for each level of consciousness (or dimension) were stored in what we have termed Light packets of wisdom. These were encased in membranes of Light or a veil which restricted access to the various higher dimensional awareness levels until you were, once again, resonating to that level of consciousness. It is time for the veils of unconsciousness to be lifted, Beloveds, so that you can remember the vastness of who you are, the grand experiences you have had, and the bright future that is before you.
Consciousness/creation/manifestation in the higher realms are fluid and malleable, and are redefined and reconstructed at each higher-dimensional level in order to be compatible with the vibrational patterns of that reality. This is the process that is taking place on Earth, and within and around each human Being on the Earthly plane at this time. The more rigid, fearful and resistant to change a person is, the more difficult the transition process will be for him/her. (11)
What I can tell you at this time is that the stage is set for some unusual occurrences. Events will occur that you would not have imagined. Fear not for it is all a part of the stripping away of the veil of forgetfulness leading into the full remembrance of who and what you are as Multi-dimensional Beings. These occurrences will coalesce into a powerful form that will catapult you and the planet into a much higher level of consciousness. Are you ready?
Mira of the Pleiadian High Council: There is little time remaining for third dimensional conclusions. This includes every area in your lives as well as the Earth’s. You will need to garner new solutions to solve problems. You will find these new discoveries bring swift results with remarkable outcomes. This means that you will need to remain open to change and not feel like “We have always done it this way.” The old excuses will not be feasible for as you move into higher consciousness you will find that higher frequencies require higher vibrational solutions. (12)
Ashtar: The veil at the end of this trimester will not suddenly lift – your return back home to full consciousness is a process. But there shall come a point in your journey where you will take a big step forward to enable you to build upon this step, to integrate all that you have achieved so far in every cell of your Being, and to allow you to go ahead with your journey back home to where you belong.
And the moment for you to take this step is just around the corner. You will make great progress and be pleasantly surprised with your achievements.” (13)
The Arcturians: When YOU (the holographic projection) can observe your Divine Matrix in the sixth dimension (your SELF in the ONE) while still holding your holographic form, the third dimensional veils of illusion are released. You can then eternally commune with and return to your SELF who lives eternally in unity with the ONE. (14)
(Continued in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) Pleiadian Archangelic Realm, “Angels, Angels Everywhere” by Bella Capozzi. December 14, 2012, http://theangeldiaries.org/2012/12/14/.
(2) SaLuSa, Aug. 8, 2011, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(3) “Wes Annac: The Pleiadian Council of Nine – Gaia’s Energetic Framework is Changing and Transforming,” channelled through Wes Annac, Dec. 31, 2012, channeled before Dec. 21, 2012, athttp://aquariuschannelings.com/2012/12/21/the-ascended-masters-and-the-hathors-you-are-being-initiated-into-a-whole-new-paradigm-of-consciousness/.
(4) Jesus through John Smallman, Aug. 24, 2015, at http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com
(5) “Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation via Sheldan Nidle,” April 28, 2015, at https://www.paoweb.com/sn042815.htm.
(6) Hilarion, Sep. 7, 2014, at http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarionsweeklymessage.htm
(7) “Archangel Uriel: Align With The Energies That Are In Line For You,” channelled by Jennifer Hoffman. March 17, 2014, at http://enlighteninglife.com/align-energies-line/.
(8) “The Pleiadians: Lock Was Broken on the Time Machine – Now Is Here,” channeled by Maryann Rada, March 13, 2014, athttp://timetransformers.wordpress.com/.
(9) “Archangel Michael: Creating your Sphere of Heavenly Light,” channelled through Ronna Herman, February 2014, athttp://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html.
(10) “The Hathors: Karmic Acceleration, Exposure of Tyranny and Understanding Channels,” channeled by Wes Annac, August 30, 2013 at http://aquariusparadigm.com.
(11) “Archangel Michael: The Path of Ascension is the Path to Freedom,” channelled by Ronna Herman, August 29, 2013, at http://www.ronnastar.com/messages-aam/latest.html.
(12) Mira of the Pleiadian High Council. Channelled by Valerie Donner, August 6, 2013 at http://www.thegroundcrew.com/channeled_messages.htm.
(13) “Ashtar: Update on your Current Timeline,” channeled by Phillip July 31, 2013 at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/08/ashtar-via-philipp-update-on-your-current-timeline.
(14) The Arcturians, “Rewriting the Hologram,” March 2010, through Dr. Suzanne Carroll, at http://www.suzanneliephd.com/newsletters/newsletter.html.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Orienting Ourselves to our Lightwork (Part 2/4) | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/26/2018 10:45:00 AM