Awakening in a Quiet Mind
August 26, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Entry in my Ascension ethnography (i.e., Ascension diary): I awoke this morning without a thought in my head.
It was a feeling of palpable peace.
Not only were there no thoughts, but there was also no roller-coaster of feelings either.
Some time after I got up, I read Blossom Goodchild’s channeling:
“Once this …Wave/Infusion … of Love Light is absorbed into your atmosphere, your soil, your Beings, your … Everything … plants, trees, insects, animals, waters … Everything … there shall be an initial CHANGE IN ENERGY. A greatly noticeable CHANGE IN ENERGY … and then after that … as this Energy settles into position … EVERYTHING WILL FEEL NEW.” (1)
That certainly describes the way I feel. An initial change in energy for sure. Greatly noticeable. Everything felt new.
Every process going on within me – breathing, sensing, walking – is going on now without the mediation – or competition, really – of thought. I expect my heart to stop beating or my breathing to stop. Something is missing. The constant chatter of the “operator.” It feels delightfully foreign and completely welcome.
I’m sure this had something to do with an incredible breakthrough I had last night. As if awakening with a quiet mind was not enough, what happened the night before was close to miraculous. I don’t know which to write about.
I’d been having problems forgiving a particular person in my life. She once stole a sizeable amount of money from me and I’m having trouble forgiving her for that.
As background, I made a decision a long time ago never to fight over money. My family split up over money. I swore I wouldn’t let money become a matter of dispute with me. (Vasana/core issue —-> conclusion —-> decision.)
But I do resent. I haven’t made any headway forgiving this one person. I’m busy resenting her, swallowing the poison, hoping she’ll die.
I don’t know where it came from, but I suddenly had the idea of, rather than forgiving, blessing the person. And that worked.
I found I couldn’t bless her unless I forgave her; it was implicit, a prerequisite.
I began blessing everything and everyone I could think of. It was liberating.
For some reason, placing myself in the position of blessing others – where appropriate and sincere – not as a new act – repositioned me and completely altered the way things looked. It transformed my outlook and greatly extended my ability to forgive and let go.
My experience of life shifted from being mostly unpleasant to being very pleasant. As I walked down the street later on, I was amazed how – in a second – I had moved from being a grumpy old fart to being a source of outflowing love and healing. (2)
This was the shift I’d always been looking for and would not have been able to put into words. Think of it as “an itch you can’t scratch.”
I now could see that saints were people who had switched from alternately wishing ill of people and forgiving them to blessing them – calling down God’s blessing upon them or blessing them on their own.
I also saw that blessing people was the ideal vehicle for sending transformative love out to the world. Blessing and loving go hand-in-hand very well.
And of course I benefit when I breathe up love from my heart. I experience it as it passes through me and out to the world. Soon I was in bliss from the combined impact of blessing and loving.
All this miraculous stuff happened the night before.
I don’t know which was more remarkable – the shift that came about from blessing or waking up in an utterly-quiet mind.
But the next morning my mind was completely silent.
Did the switch in attitude the night before account for the quietening of the mind? How long will this peacefulness last?
For now, it’s a completely-novel experience to go about my activities without a single thought, as the Federation suggested. And it’s a welcome, even blessed, relief.
(1) “Blossom Goodchild Channeling the Galactic Federation, Aug. 25, 2018,” at
(2) I recalled the story of the woman who stood in the Gare de Lyons or another Paris train station and simply blessed people. I now see not only the service it is but the reward that comes with it.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
August 26, 2018
By Steve Beckow

Entry in my Ascension ethnography (i.e., Ascension diary): I awoke this morning without a thought in my head.
It was a feeling of palpable peace.
Not only were there no thoughts, but there was also no roller-coaster of feelings either.
Some time after I got up, I read Blossom Goodchild’s channeling:
“Once this …Wave/Infusion … of Love Light is absorbed into your atmosphere, your soil, your Beings, your … Everything … plants, trees, insects, animals, waters … Everything … there shall be an initial CHANGE IN ENERGY. A greatly noticeable CHANGE IN ENERGY … and then after that … as this Energy settles into position … EVERYTHING WILL FEEL NEW.” (1)
That certainly describes the way I feel. An initial change in energy for sure. Greatly noticeable. Everything felt new.
Every process going on within me – breathing, sensing, walking – is going on now without the mediation – or competition, really – of thought. I expect my heart to stop beating or my breathing to stop. Something is missing. The constant chatter of the “operator.” It feels delightfully foreign and completely welcome.
I’m sure this had something to do with an incredible breakthrough I had last night. As if awakening with a quiet mind was not enough, what happened the night before was close to miraculous. I don’t know which to write about.
I’d been having problems forgiving a particular person in my life. She once stole a sizeable amount of money from me and I’m having trouble forgiving her for that.
As background, I made a decision a long time ago never to fight over money. My family split up over money. I swore I wouldn’t let money become a matter of dispute with me. (Vasana/core issue —-> conclusion —-> decision.)
But I do resent. I haven’t made any headway forgiving this one person. I’m busy resenting her, swallowing the poison, hoping she’ll die.
I don’t know where it came from, but I suddenly had the idea of, rather than forgiving, blessing the person. And that worked.
I found I couldn’t bless her unless I forgave her; it was implicit, a prerequisite.
I began blessing everything and everyone I could think of. It was liberating.
For some reason, placing myself in the position of blessing others – where appropriate and sincere – not as a new act – repositioned me and completely altered the way things looked. It transformed my outlook and greatly extended my ability to forgive and let go.
My experience of life shifted from being mostly unpleasant to being very pleasant. As I walked down the street later on, I was amazed how – in a second – I had moved from being a grumpy old fart to being a source of outflowing love and healing. (2)
This was the shift I’d always been looking for and would not have been able to put into words. Think of it as “an itch you can’t scratch.”
I now could see that saints were people who had switched from alternately wishing ill of people and forgiving them to blessing them – calling down God’s blessing upon them or blessing them on their own.
I also saw that blessing people was the ideal vehicle for sending transformative love out to the world. Blessing and loving go hand-in-hand very well.
And of course I benefit when I breathe up love from my heart. I experience it as it passes through me and out to the world. Soon I was in bliss from the combined impact of blessing and loving.
All this miraculous stuff happened the night before.
I don’t know which was more remarkable – the shift that came about from blessing or waking up in an utterly-quiet mind.
But the next morning my mind was completely silent.
Did the switch in attitude the night before account for the quietening of the mind? How long will this peacefulness last?
For now, it’s a completely-novel experience to go about my activities without a single thought, as the Federation suggested. And it’s a welcome, even blessed, relief.
(1) “Blossom Goodchild Channeling the Galactic Federation, Aug. 25, 2018,” at
(2) I recalled the story of the woman who stood in the Gare de Lyons or another Paris train station and simply blessed people. I now see not only the service it is but the reward that comes with it.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
Awakening in a Quiet Mind | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/26/2018 10:46:00 AM