What Is Happening? – From It Rings True
May 22, 2018
If you could see what is happening to so many others at this time as we do, you would have a much clearer and more optimistic view of your circumstances than most of you do. You see, clearly or not so clearly, your own progress. You know of what may be happening for friends and acquaintances, perhaps. Even at that, your knowledge is limited to what you are told and your own interpretations of it.
We, however, see the entire tapestry of your collective. How could we not, since we, as we have been at pains to teach you, are deeply involved as participants in the entire process. It is also important for you to begin to understand the fact that you are also completely involved. That is a large part of what you will begin to understand now with the lifting of the veil, the parting of the curtain.
We will paint for you now a quick picture, if you will, of a very important process that is currently going on for many. You have seen it mentioned here and in other places, but you may have given it less attention than it warrants. In no way do we wish you to feel left out if the specific things we mention are not a part of your current experience. What we wish to do is alert you to watch your own inner selves and outer lives for like changes. Some are receiving the activation of abilities that they did not know they would have. Some are having meetings, in dream state or out, with beings other than those they thought possible. Some have sat in a moment of wonder upon realizing that certain things have ceased to ‘push their buttons’, as you say. And some are able to understand that they are experiencing a merging with higher aspects of self. And there are many, many more things that we do not mention.
There are around seven billion of you there, each one unique in make-up and purpose. We do not have that much space here. So let us point out that what you most need to ready yourselves for, and what is to come next, is what you and we are bringing about for you now.
Some will not choose to receive it. But those who follow these types of message will be either kicking-and-screaming or sliding-and-laughing receivers. You have so chosen, and you will NOT be left behind.
Now, it is time to surrender. OH, you do not like that word. And we understand why that is. What we are asking you to do, however, is to let us have the reins for a bit and to hang on to your saddles for dear life for the next short while. Consider it a carnival ride. Or, as your humorists would say, “Hold my beer and watch this!”
This, dear ones, is going to be a fun year if you treat it that way. Of course there are things to be straightened out, which may not appear very pretty at the time, but keep your focus and all will be well.
It Rings True is available HERE.
Source: Ron Head
May 22, 2018

If you could see what is happening to so many others at this time as we do, you would have a much clearer and more optimistic view of your circumstances than most of you do. You see, clearly or not so clearly, your own progress. You know of what may be happening for friends and acquaintances, perhaps. Even at that, your knowledge is limited to what you are told and your own interpretations of it.
We, however, see the entire tapestry of your collective. How could we not, since we, as we have been at pains to teach you, are deeply involved as participants in the entire process. It is also important for you to begin to understand the fact that you are also completely involved. That is a large part of what you will begin to understand now with the lifting of the veil, the parting of the curtain.
We will paint for you now a quick picture, if you will, of a very important process that is currently going on for many. You have seen it mentioned here and in other places, but you may have given it less attention than it warrants. In no way do we wish you to feel left out if the specific things we mention are not a part of your current experience. What we wish to do is alert you to watch your own inner selves and outer lives for like changes. Some are receiving the activation of abilities that they did not know they would have. Some are having meetings, in dream state or out, with beings other than those they thought possible. Some have sat in a moment of wonder upon realizing that certain things have ceased to ‘push their buttons’, as you say. And some are able to understand that they are experiencing a merging with higher aspects of self. And there are many, many more things that we do not mention.
There are around seven billion of you there, each one unique in make-up and purpose. We do not have that much space here. So let us point out that what you most need to ready yourselves for, and what is to come next, is what you and we are bringing about for you now.
Some will not choose to receive it. But those who follow these types of message will be either kicking-and-screaming or sliding-and-laughing receivers. You have so chosen, and you will NOT be left behind.
Now, it is time to surrender. OH, you do not like that word. And we understand why that is. What we are asking you to do, however, is to let us have the reins for a bit and to hang on to your saddles for dear life for the next short while. Consider it a carnival ride. Or, as your humorists would say, “Hold my beer and watch this!”
This, dear ones, is going to be a fun year if you treat it that way. Of course there are things to be straightened out, which may not appear very pretty at the time, but keep your focus and all will be well.
It Rings True is available HERE.
Source: Ron Head
What is Happening? | It Rings True
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/22/2018 10:29:00 PM