Jared Rand’s “Guided Global Meditation Call”
Tuesday, May 22 2018 #100!!!
Notes by Juli Joy
Jarad Rand stated: “ I’d like to welcome all the people that are here... First time and all the ones that have been here, since the beginning and in between. Today in the meditation, we continue with reinforcing love and generosity, goodness, kindness, giving and restructuring of humanity and the planet, into a prosperity and blissful, joyful existence and increasing the Vibrational Frequency of the planet and the human race. Again today, we’re going to incorporate the…. some call it the Violet Flame. I call it the Purple Transmuting Flame and the purpose of that is: That any outlying irritations or disruptions of negative energy, that may be floating in? The Purple Transmuting Flame will transmute it immediately, as soon as it touches the Transmuting Flame and it will disperse it and encapsulate it back to the Central Son, for repurposing.
So, kind of picture the Purple Transmuting Flame, emanating from your stomach chakra, for a better choice and have it emanating out and wave. Pulse waves, where you visualize it and you see it encapsulating you around the Golden White Pink Light of Prime Source Creator God and then the waves of the Purple Transmuting Flame coming out. That's pretty simple to visualize those colors and knowing what they do. The Unconditional Unending Love of the Purple of the Golden White Pink Light basically protects us from invasion, the intrusion of negative energies.
So it's constantly protecting us from any kind of attachments or attempts to convince us to be in a negative thought process or to cause things to occur, that will lower our Vibrational Frequencies and cause us to become, irritable, disoriented, angry, frustrated, vengeful. Those types of feelings. We’re constantly working here, all of us, together…. to eliminate as much as possible, of those lower energies. The dark ‘feed’ off of that and they continually kind of try to keep us there. Confusion, disaster, negativity, frustration, tension, fear, anger, aggression. All of these and once we get into the habit of remembering that, just as we all get them. We all have these feelings but when they come in, we know how to thwart them. Say ‘I don't care to feel that way, now. I'm going to go this way, so I don't let that ‘sink its teeth into me’ and cause me to become irritable.’
We all know that when we become irritable, it does no good. It because it takes us a while to recover, every time and it's distasteful. Since we're increasing in Vibrational Frequency, it's not as frequent and it will become less and less frequent on its approach, because of our protective shielding, our encapsulation in the Purple Transmuting Flame. Where we become, in other words, we’re in the habit of feeling good. Of feeling blessed, of feeling joyful, of feeling generous, of feeling caring. Love and appreciation for each other and for the planet, Gaia-Earth.
So it's visualizing, with your Heart Center and actually watching, as this takes place. We obviously, as I keep repeating, we are on a increase of Vibrational Frequency every day. It's one of our main objectives, is to increase Vibrational Frequency. Around all humanity, around all life and all existences, as well as planet Earth, since she is an intelligent life.
Now… today, for all of humanity, in the meditation. We will evacuate anger. We’re going to evacuate it. What I mean by that? Is that were gonna transmute it. We’re gonna have it vacuumed off and sent back to the Central Sun. It'll be literally, saturated with the Golden White Pink Light. It will then, be carried off by the Purple Transmuting Flame and it will be sent back to the Central Sun for elimination and being reabsorbed for repurposing. So we’re going to do everything we can. By removing the anger, by lightning that load on humanity. It increases, it accelerates the Vibrational Frequency. It moves it up and you’re in communication with Higher Selves of all humanity. So we get permission to do that, to increase the Vibrational Frequency on that the entire plane of existence.
So, imagine where anger is a minority. Imagine where anger almost doesn't even exist. You don't get angry because you’re blissful, you're happy and your giving and you’re caring. When you're in a caring, good mood, you know, you’re not angry. You can't be angry. When you're happy and joyous, it's very difficult to bring it down. And I know that just about everybody has experienced that. So, it makes sense and a simple form, that by vacuuming, dispersing, transmuting anger, which is an energy. We take the anger and we transmute it and send it back to the Central Sun for repurposing, to eliminate it. By doing that? Vibrational Frequency of humanity goes up. It increases.
Then, on top of that, happiness, bliss, joy, love, appreciation. All of those higher Vibrational Frequency energies start flowing in. So we are literally replacing the violence, the anger, the aggression, the pain, the sorrow. All of these energies are being replaced with love and light and happiness and joy and bliss and that's one of the main reasons we’re all here. Is to remove those by increasing the Vibrational Frequency…”
Once again, I remind you that this is not a complete transcription. I'm merely trying to help raise the world's vibration, by sharing information about this Mass Meditation process.
Many blessings to you all.... May all of your dreams come true!
Juli Joy
*The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time.
**Number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471#
** If you are unable to make it at that time the playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)
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Jared Rand’s Guided Global Meditation Call (5/22/18) | Notes by Juli Joy
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/22/2018 11:30:00 PM