We are still hearing and seeing people asking for the TRUTH!! An invitation has been extended to you for months now. Maybe it is time you change that station and reset your programming and your phone to Willie's Truth Call where ONLY THE TRUTH is delivered!
Many of you have found a home where you feel comfortable asking ANY questions, sharing your ideas and concerns and know you are not being led astray. This is why our brothers and sisters are returning to Willie's Truth Call! We are privileged to be graced with truth and disciplined enough to know the difference!
Embrace your soul with the truth tonight!
Willie Collins/TX has been doing conference calls for this community for several years. He was educated in 1993 about this new global plan and over the years he started sharing the vision and plan with others through conference calls. Willie teaches his followers that is is NOT about the money that so many believe it is. It is a new global and economic restructuring (reset) that will return our freedom and our sovereignty along with correcting fraudulent acts done against us over the decades that will bring everyone back together in unity and equality. Brother Willie has been investigated and thoroughly checked out by various communities and countries far and wide and has been verified by some of the top sources that we speak about to bring the truth to YOU!! This is why he uses his first and last name unlike many that are anonymous in this arena.
If you are like most of our listeners you will be intrigued by his professionalism and honesty. We urge you to listen tonight at 9pm EST to get the up to date information with details and ask brother Willie any questions you may have on ANY subject matter as long as it is reasonable and respectable to our listening audience. Questions will vary from personal issues, to what others are hearing, seeing or feeling on other calls, chats or forums,energy shifts, ascension symptoms, health related aids, spiritual guidance, NESARA, reset of countries currencies, current events and daily topics are discussed along with the stock market results.
To get a taste of what Willie's calls are like, here are YEARS of archives that people come back for: http://www.williestruthcall.com/daily-call-archive/
Fill your waiting days by listening to the truth and get the FACTS... then dial into the call tonight and get your questions answered!
To dial into the call here are the details:
Willie's Truth Call 9:00 pm EST Monday thru Friday
Call 641-715-3570 pin 814068#
Back up number if you are having difficulty getting into the call or getting charged by your carrier: 206-451-6060 and follow the prompts.
Replay # 641-715-3579 pin 814068# or on website under archives.
Website: http://williestruthcall.com
Let us unite together in PEACE, HARMONY and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE for ALL!!
The Truth will Set you Free | Willie's Truth Call at 9 PM EDT (5/21/18)
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/21/2018 03:41:00 PM