Jared Rand’s “Guided Global Meditation Call”
Monday, May 21, 2018, #99
Notes by Juli Joy
After the welcome, Jarad Rand stated: “Yesterday, we had some technical issues, some interruptions and some pretty strong energies that were affecting, that peoplehave been, I ’m sure aware of? There’s certain energies that don't want these meditations to take place. This increases vibrational frequencies and the ‘dark end’ wants us to have low vibrational frequency. So, we will continue to increase those frequencies on a daily basis, so they cannot survive that. We’re gonna add an additional amount of protection, as you will see, for everyone today, before we go into meditation.
The meditation today, is an elimination and…how do you put it? Trying to find the words for it. We have a lot of negativity, I’ll put it that way, on the planet. Humanity needs to free itself from the negativity. Today, our meditation is to dissolve all of the negativity on the planet. All of the uneasiness, from low vibrational frequency, to high. So we want the Rain to motivate humanity, to increase its vibrational frequency. We have the ability to do that, we have a large enough group of humanity working here, on this call and around the world, on these meditations.
We keep growing and we will keep growing. I'm looking forward to reaching a hundred thousand and then two hundred thousand and a million and we will continue to do that, till we have a major group of humanity, practicing this simple meditation, all joining here. It's important that we all join on the call, its ‘Connection.’ It has a lot to do with it. When you meditate on your own, that's good, it’s important and it's effective to a certain extent. Its impact is light, compared to when you connect with other brothers and sisters, on a call. This is a ‘Connection.’ The reason we have the call is to connect everybody. And to guide it, as a major group.
So today, we will have an increase. We’re going to do the Purple Transmuting Flame, which will enrobe the Golden White Pink Light. So, we’re going to add the Purple Transmuting Flame, which basically will alleviate and eliminate any residual energies, of the form of negative, evil or dark… Will literally neutralize those energies. And when it does, it'll encapsulate all of those and energies and send it back to the Central Sun, for elimination repurposing. We want to make sure that every single human that participates in this meditation is protected, .…..unconditionally.
So that's why we’re gonna add additional protection, in the meditation. And we all know, that we are protected but it doesn't hurt, to become even more shielded, than we already are. So I've been guided to add the Purple Transmuting Flame. We have an elimination of demonic energies, dark energies, any form of destructive energies on the planet. Those are low-frequencies. The Rain will identify and eliminate and encapsulate. So, the Rain is going to encapsulate all of those energies. So, it will be encapsulated into the Purple Transmuting Flame, sent back to the Central Sun, for repurposing. Either elimination or repurposing.
So, just like I do at the end, for new people: At the end of this meditation I come back on and end the meditation and wish everybody well-off…..each meditation. So, those of you who are just joining today, you're going to hear silence, when we go into meditation. The silence is for everybody to focus, as I talk us through the process of the meditation. The application of the meditation and the subject and then I end up joining the rest of the group and then we go into silence because we are all in focused meditation. To eliminate whatever the challenge has been presented to us. So whatever it may be? And that's what the silence is and I’ve had a lot of people write in and comment that they enjoy the silence. Every now and then, yes, we do have interruptions. Can't be helped. We filter, it’s filtered as much as possible and protected but every now and then, an interruption comes in and we just ignore it. Our focus is mandatory. The more we are focused, more effective we can become to eliminating these energies. We want to eliminate, encapsulate, send back to the Central Sun for repurposing. So all of these negative energies to be lifted not only from those on the planet but from all of us…”
Once again, I remind you that this is not a complete transcription. I'm merely trying to help raise the world's vibration, by sharing information about this Mass Meditation process.
Many blessings to you all.... May all of your dreams come true!
Juli Joy
*The Guided Global Meditation will start on Everyday @ 3 pm EST & continue on a DAILY basis at the same time.
**Number to call in is 641-715-0857 Code is 303471#
** If you are unable to make it at that time the playback number is 641-715-3579 (same code)
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Jared Rand’s Guided Global Meditation Call (5/21/18) | Notes by Juli Joy
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/21/2018 06:12:00 PM