(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nadina Boun
God is intimately playing with you in every second of every day. Look for God in the value, in the higher emotions, in the qualities of all things and you will find Him there.
It is difficult to see God in things, material things, but if everything is made of the same one thing, God dust, then everything is made of God, of the quality of God being expressed.
Look for the value something provides, whether it is warmth or support, whether it is abundance or enjoyment, and you will find the value in there beyond the shape. Look for the high emotions expressed among people and you will find God in there. Look for love, kindness, laughter, joy, hugs, genius, creativity, and you find God in there. Look at nature and you will see God in the life that blossoms, in the variety, in the flow of the water, in the sprouting of a grain.
Look for qualities, look for value, look for higher emotions and you will find God there, playing with you, interacting with you, having that experience with you, co-creating that experience with you, in everything, through everything and everyone.
God is not some abstract concept, He is is here everywhere, present in everything. Present meaning expressed in some way, shape or form. Present meaning already here somewhere, somehow. The empty space between all things is an energy field ever present, joining all things together in its oneness.
That omnipotent, omnipresent presence is therefore everywhere, in everything, in everyone. How then, do you find God? You look for the value, the qualities, the higher emotions everywhere, and when you spot them, you then spot God in there. So you train your eyes to look for the positive, for the gifts in disguise, for the qualities, for the higher emotions expressed and you will find God everywhere, in everything, in everyone, interacting with you.
Then you will see, you are never alone, because that Presence interacting with you, is present at all times. And you begin to have a good day, every day, making it like a game, where you try to spot the gift in everything, where you try to find God in everything.
Remember, everyone has got everything. It is just a matter of how much it is expressed, if at all. But it is there. That quality is there. God is not only in the obvious, but in the not so obvious. You can say it is the love, the intelligence, the determination, the genius, the support, the joy, the life wanting to be expressed within everything. As a human you want to choose to express it, unlike nature that expresses it naturally, hence the word nature, natural expression.
As a human, you have to make the choice, because you have free will. Likewise, you have to make the choice to look for it or not.
Where is God? | Higher Council of Light via Nadina Boun
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/12/2024 11:45:00 PM