Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Transition to the Fifth Dimension: Involvement in the Original Source | Liberty



And finally we move on to the last component of human consciousness , which is participation in the original source .What does this mean?

First of all, connection with your own Divine aspects - the Higher Self, the Divine Self and the Mother Soul.

At the same time, you may not even know about their existence, but feel them intuitively.

And this is how it happens in practice.

Let's take this example.

Let's say you decide to radically change your life - change your country of residence, place of work, life partner, because you realized that you live in the wrong place, in the wrong way, and with the wrong person.

In fact, few are capable of such a decisive step, since in the three-dimensional world people are accustomed to living in fear for themselves and for their loved ones.

They perceive any changes in life very painfully, so most often they continue to go with the flow despite the fact that the existing state of affairs has long been a burden to them.

Their consciousness is captured by the conventions of the three-dimensional world.

But the consciousness of a person who has managed to “emerge” from dogmas, customs and rules and overcome the fear of the unknown reaches a completely different level.

This means that he was able to hear his Soul, which was suffocating in the previous conditions of existence and was striving with all its might to be free.

This is how the first step was taken towards my Higher Self.

And then, as always happens, when a person makes a choice in favor of his Soul, all the Higher Powers rush to his aid, and first of all this is done by his own Divine Self and the Mother Soul.

Through their joint efforts, the most intricate and sometimes completely unexpected “laces” of the fate of this man, who was not afraid to go his own way, different from generally accepted stereotypes, begin to weave.

As a result, he finds his life’s work, for which he was born, and exactly where he could realize himself in the best possible way.

He also finds happiness in his personal life with a person close to him in spirit.

Why are all these miracles happening to him?

Only because he intuitively felt involvement in the original source and gained the inner freedom characteristic of the God-man.

This freed him from fear of the future and gave him inner strength and self-confidence.

Thus, he not only found happiness from self-realization in all areas of his life, but also reached a new level of his consciousness.

And now, my dear ones, the time has come when many people can change their lives consciously, possessing invaluable knowledge about the Universe, its eternal and unshakable Laws, and the help of the Forces of Light.

People learn to hear their Soul.

Many people are establishing a channel of communication with the Higher Powers of the Universe.

You live in unique times, my dear ones, and the possibilities are endless.

Appreciate this and do not follow the lead of a soulless and outdated consumer society, which is trying to herd Divine human souls, thereby completely depersonalizing them.

Become an example for others, thereby returning the collective consciousness of humanity towards the Divinity it once lost.

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English