(Golden Age of Gaia)
Judith Kusel
Expansion is the key word for 2024 as we now need to step into expansive life in a much higher vibrational frequency bands.
What most often keeps us back are our own fears and subconscious blocks which are surfacing, because of the seeming unknown, unchartered.
Here are some valuable tools to assist you:
Get crystal clear of what it is you need to face within yourself and ask for assistance from the Divine Source, or whoever you choose to work with e.g. Ascended Masters.
Also crystal clarity of what you wish of manifest or bring into form and being or wish to create or feel called to bring into form and being.
Picture it in detail or write it down.
Ask for crystal clear guidance, insight and wisdom.
One of the greatest stumbling blocks to manifesting what you truly would love to be, or manifest are often the subconscious fears of not being good enough, smart enough or the seeming drawbacks of stepping out of your comfort zones.
1. Get a notepad and pen and draw two columns, one for drawbacks and one for benefits.
2. After getting crystal clear about what it is you need to create or manifest, list the drawbacks and benefits. (Also with benefits think about how, by you manifesting this in your life, how it is going to benefit not only you, but how it will benefit others. The greater good.)
3. As long as you see more drawbacks than benefits, you will self sabotage. As soon as you see more benefits you will be inspired and will expand into the creative ideas, solutions, concepts etc. Try to list 100 benefits.
4. Action steps. Chunk down the mountain into baby steps so you do not go into overwhelm yet put steps in motion.
5. Do the Huna prayer to bring all into form and being if this speaks to you.
Everything is possible if you keep the end goal in sight.
For more practical tools register for my webinar next Saturday where I am including the Huna prayer and how to use it.
The Key Word for 2024 is Expansion | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/11/2024 05:12:00 AM