Pebbles and Ascended Dragons 1/9/2024
(An adolescent yellow and purple dragon is in my office with me standing by the door, the size of a large St. Bernard. This is a sudden surprise, we have not met before. He says he wants to meet me, that I am ‘so cool’ and I tell him I think he’s awesome as well. What’s your name? I ask him.)
Hi! I’m Pebbles. This is my baby name but soon I will have a really cool grown up name, like Flash or Zigzag. I like to go fast!
(How old are you, Pebbles?)
I’m a few cycles since I hatched. I like to fly and I’m working on my smoke rings. My parents fly a lot around your planet and do things to help the energies. There is a lot of dirt and monsters on your planet that they are munching on. We like to munch on dark things and get rid of them that way. It’s fun! I can’t wait until I catch my first monster!”
(Suddenly surrounding either side of him, I see two large friendly dragon heads, purple and green, a parent couple are smiling their dragon smiles at me and I know them I think from my travels.)
Yes, we know you very well. We are part of the dragon cleansing group, here to clean and clear the energies of Gaia, to hone the vibration, to tone the crystals and to clear the debris energetically. You, many of you, know us, and we send this feeling of knowing now to you. There. We are known. We have little to add tonight but wished to accompany our little hatching to keep him out of trouble. He is a handful. (They are smiling their big toothy smiles, their kind golden eyes dancing with light and joy.) We are friends, galaxygirl, we are friends with many who read your messages, with many in the militaries, with many in the skies. We are here all working together to assist with Ascension Gaia and it is good.
(I ask about the galactic wars.)
Yes, there were many wars in this sector, many dragon worlds were initially destroyed early on, but we repopulated other beautiful worlds, realms that are now filled with dragon magic and energies, and we returned in time to heal our old planets and they are in process of renewal. Your world has been war torn for millennia, and millennia and millennia. Many cycles of dark we have breathed our firelight into. We breathe our fire with heat, with power. We are strong, like you. We are mighty in our glorious bodies, like you. We are friends with the human ones; we have been and will be again. Time is a spiral and our corkscrew of time is bending further and further together so that it is a straight line of the now. Your time has been an entrapment. There is no trap in the higher dimensions, there is freedom of travel, lightheartedness and light. We dragons love to explore, to fly, to dive deep into the dark and to come out with a tasty snack, victorious. We have been gobbling up creatures of your night, and clearing your surface and underground. Our bellies are full. We are happy with Gaia’s progress and happy that humans are opening their eyes a little wider.
(Pebbles, did you wish to add anything?) “Oh some day I’ll grow up to be just like my parents as I hatch into my own. I have powers too. I’m fast.”
(Dragons, are things progressing well, in your opinion.)
Galaxygirl, we are not at liberty to have opinions, for we follow the prime directive of Source, we are always progressing perfectly then. Dragons obey not because we must, for we are free. We have free will too. We can easily leave this war torn scene. But we serve. We serve the light, we serve Source and we are aspects of Source, so therefore all is in perfect timing. You seem impatient. You do not want things to happen to fast. The humans must be ready for what is to come.
(What is to come?)
The great light, the great change, that is to come. This has been slowed down so that more may travel, so that more may come. And many more are coming than was previously thought. Your world was thought but lost, until star seeds such as many of you lobbied heavily for the great collaboration of worlds and realms to save this one (planet). You lobbied. You called others to action. And the dragons came. We are here now. We have wormholes all over your planet that lead immediately to our own worlds so we can go home and ‘have a weekend’ as you say. We come back refreshed to do more clearing. We have been clearing many military bases. You are not aware of this yet as we are mostly invisible still to the human ones. Although you may see us in the skies, you may feel us and our presence near you. Ask and invite us into your homes, into your office places to clear and clean the energies. There are many restless 4d entities and spirits that need to be removed, and we are doing this. Our bellies are full.
(Dragons, do you know if there is to be a solar flash?)
We do not know where or when but we are aware of this possible outcome. (They are showing me thumb prints and scale prints). Again, galaxygirl, Source’s prints are all over this project and Gaia will ascend in glory, in beauty and in grace. As will humanity. And all is well. We depart. Come along, hatchling.
(Pebbles , you can come visit me anytime.) Ok, I will! Bye!
~ galaxygirl