Submitted to Voyages of Light on January 8, 2024
Hello Humans,
We are Fairies, and we are greeting humans from our Paradise on a New Earth. We moved from Inner Earth into our new home in a high dimensional reality of 5D Mother Gaia where all of you are trying to ascend to.
We live in a secluded area of the forest, where there are fields full of flowers, as you know, we love to fly from flower to flower to enjoy their beauty and aroma. They are bigger then in your 3D reality, so they match perfectly our size to sit or even sleep on them.
We are small beings about 30 inches tall, from faraway you could mistake us for butterflies. Yes, we are real, we always existed. You couldn’t see us, because of your low vibrations. Now, the veil is getting thinner each day, it’s time for us officially to speak to humans. Your reality is pretty dull and there is no magic in it.
Only your kids until a certain age still believe in our existence and magic, later on they loose their faith of believing in unnatural phenomenas. They become like adults, sad and their vivid imagination gets subdued. We live very happy lives and carry our magical wands. Magic is real. Most of you live in your world and don’t enjoy your lives. Everything becomes too complex, as soon as money appears in the picture.
We are the opposite of humans, we are happy Fairies, who love to create magic. We live in tiny houses in flower’s fields not far from the forest. We travel in small groups of 30-50 Fairies. We are multidimensional beings from 6th dimension. We want to tell you to open yourself into the possibilities of unexpected things. You can create anything you desire with your Universal Consciousness and imagination.
You forgot your origins of being a highly advanced Souls. Many of you travelled through Universes, Galaxies and Star Systems. Some of you are very young Souls and are just starting their journey. You are carrying God’s essence within you. We are here to remind you, that nothing can stop you from moving into 5D or higher, if this is what you want to do.
As soon you are aware that you are Light, you will become free from any enslavement on Mother Earth or anywhere else. You need to believe, that you are Creators and you carry tremendous unleashed power inside your Soul. Release your God Power through meditations and make your life magical again. As soon as you realize your true spiritual potential, then you are going to become unstoppable.
We were asked to give you a little update on some recent developments in your reality. Recently, in United States in Miami, Florida there was an incident. There was a Galactic spaceship, which was heading towards Earth. These beings have never been in this Galaxy before and they saw that there were many inhabitants living on your planet. They decided to fly towards Gaia and land on your planet. These beings were curious and wanted to introduce themselves to humans.
The Galactic Light Forces told to this spacecraft not to land on Earth, as they were not sure, what their intentions were. These beings ignored the warning and continued to fly heading for Florida. At this point the Galactic Light Forces could not shoot down the ship, as it was to close to Earth, it would cause damage to the planet. These security breaches can happen sometimes, as there are millions of ships traveling everyday by Earth. It’s not easy for the Galactic Light Forces to constantly to keep track where all of the millions of spacecrafts are flying to.
These Galactic beings landed in Miami, Florida. Three 10 feet tall beings came out of their spaceship, one them was a commander. They came in peace and wanted to greet humanity. Unfortunately, for them humans were not ready for this at all. A few people saw them and completely freaked out. The humans started to run for their lives, and some even called cops on them.
These 10 feet tall beings appearance is not easy to look at. When you look at them, you can see through all of their skin, seeing all of their bones, muscle tissues and all of the body organs completely. The way they walk is also is intimidating. These beings move towards you with their arms and hands stretched out like they are going to grab you.
The police arrived on the scene and saw these tall beings walking, they became fearful and called for backup saying aliens are here. The panic spread, before you knew it over 100 police cars showed up to the area. All you could see in this location is police vehicles everywhere flashing with their blue and red lights, car after car. Once these Galactic beings saw that their arrival to Earth created a lot of panic and fear in humans, they went into their spaceship and flew away.
The government covered this up, the police officers, who were involved in this Extraterrestrial Event are not allowed to talk about it or they will loose their job. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to silence humans. This is why changes on your planet are taking so long, humanity keeps following the orders of the Dark Ones. These beings are from a Galactic civilization called Cleorians.
We mentioned that the veil is becoming very thin and this event is a perfect example of it. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.
Please, remember magic is within you.
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Fairies via Erena Velazquez | January 8, 2024
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/08/2024 09:21:00 PM