Friday, January 5, 2024
Drama, Drama, Drama Until We’re Complete | Steve Beckow
What else is there do but get what we want or create drama? (Just kidding! Just kidding!)
By Steve Beckow, January 5, 2024
(Golden Age of Gaia)
And now for a change of pace….
I don’t know about you, but I’m always looking for what drives me. And when I think I’ve found it, I then look to see if that’s common with others, as in a pattern, trend, custom, rule, etc. Or is it just an aberrant thought, sent my way by the collective consciousness and my own longings?
I mentioned a long time ago how my spiritual journey began with reading Eric Berne’s Games People Play. (1) I’d always been aware of patterns in behavior, but here was someone writing about them. That started me going.
Behind the search to know more was the basic thought, what drives human beings? What is the simplest, most general statement that I can make of that drive?
I think this is it.
(A) I/You
(B) Want/Don’t want
(C) Pleasure/Pain.
There it is, in its simplest, most basic form. Looks too darned obvious to say, huh?
Now take that and limit it to food and you have many of our conversations. I like hot and spicy. I can’t stand cloying sweetness.
Limit it to vacations? I like a hot climate, but not too hot. And I really like a country where I can reach up and pick my lunch or desert. Like a mango or papaya.
Introduce another partner into our life-as-a-production and it gets infinitely more complicated the very first time I don’t get what I want. If not getting what I want is a pattern and persists, we may enter the cycle of conflict and fight over it the way we’ve been programmed and trained to do since childhood. (2) Like the way our parents and their parents did?
I’m thinking again about the cycle of conflict because I nearly went another round with a friend. But we both did what we needed to not to make conflict-inviting moves and managed to stay out of it. That is the first time I’ve seen that happen with another.
Where are the entry points to exit the cycle of conflict once it’s begun?
In answering that, I have to say that after the Reval, I’ll be a CEO. I’m aware that it won’t work for me to ask others to do growth work I’m perfectly capable of doing myself. To try to create hierarchy is distinctly not going with the flow of the times.
So the entry points I offer here are primarily what I can do, not what others can do. Sorry. Just fyi.
(A) I can be a servant and serve you (karma yoga) or I can ask for 50/50, equal give and take, to avoid resentment (principled negotiation, universal law of balance).
(B) I can reduce my wants to preferences and my preferences to “OK yes, OK no” (divine quality of detachment).
(C) I can raise my pleasure-seeking/pain-avoiding pattern to awareness and just remain aware of it; awareness will do the rest (Path of Awareness). (3)
Or I can just laugh at myself, at all of us who think that any of this is real or has consequence, save that which we and others bestow on it. Otherwise, none.
None, none, none.
Drama, drama, drama until we’re complete. And we’re complete when and only when we say so and have reached a deep place in ourselves where we really mean it.
Reaching completion could be instantaneous if we really believed that outcome possible, or, as Matthew Ward said in another connection, if “it is not [so believed] … all the changes will be a process.” (4)
After Ascension, I predict that that process, which takes time and effort now, will be as simple as deciding what to eat; all our resistance will be gone. Then changes, I think, will be instantaneous.
(1) See “’I Think You Only Read Introductions,’” December 6, 2022, at
(2) See Leaving the Cycle of Conflict at
(3) I agree with Jesus that awareness dissolves; it transforms.
Jesus: You have to realize that consciousness is something very powerful. It is much more than a passive registering of an emotion – consciousness is an intense creative force. …
Consciousness is not something static; things do not remain as they are. You will notice that if you do not nourish the energy of the emotion or of your judgment about it, they will gradually dissipate. …
Awareness transforms – it is the major instrument for change. (“Jeshua: The Third Way” at
(4) Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008, at