Absolute rest point
This exercise is suitable for daily performance at any time convenient for you.
Stay alone with yourself for a while. Close your eyes if you want. Direct your attention to the heart area. Without straining, easily and very gently penetrate an imaginary ray of attention deep into your being.
Remember that attention is energy, and there are no barriers to energy. It easily and freely passes through dense matter, without even “noticing” it. Therefore, following the ray of attention, you will immediately find yourself in another dimension - the inner space of your Self.
You will find there a point of absolute rest. This is a point that is not touched by anything happening in the outside world. Connect mentally with this point. Tell yourself: “I am returning to love and light.” Repeat this several times if you like.
Be silent for a moment, listening to this inner point of peace. You will feel yourself imbued with peace and tranquility.
Remaining in this point of peace, imagine that your body is filled with radiance. You can visualize a sparkling and sparkling silver or golden glow - whichever you prefer. Imagine that this is not just radiance, but a flow of love energy. It soothes and pacifies, filling you from the inside with softness and tenderness, making your eyes glow with a warm light. Imagine that this radiance literally permeates your body from the inside, and at the same time surrounds you from the outside.
Stay in this state. Listen to your feelings. You may feel calm, peaceful, self-sufficient and protected.
You can return to this state at any time, no matter what external circumstances try to knock you out of it.
(Translation from the book “Kryon. 85 most important practices for gaining Strength, Light, Protection and Love")
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
Absolute Rest Point | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/02/2024 03:05:00 AM