(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Celia Fenn
2024 : Roses, Dragons and Diamonds
Archangel Michael declares 2024 to be a significant year in our Transformation into the New Earth, and calls it the year of the Rose.
This is because of two things : the Rose is the symbol of the Galaxy, with its spiral shape, and also the symbol of the Divine Feminine.
In 2024 we will focus on reclaiming our place as Galactic Beings of Light as we connect with the Golden Solar Light and the Diamond Light Codes.
We will remember more of our Galactic journeys and we will integrate this into our lives as Masters in the New Earth.
We will also connect more powerfully with the Dragon Energy, as 2024 is also the Chinese year of the Dragon.

Dragons are powerful protectors of the Divine Feminine and our inner “treasures” of Abundance and Love. As we connect with our inner Dragon energy as it emerges, we will feel more powerful and more able to stand our ground.
As the Dragon energy emerges on the Planet, we will also see and feel powerful transformations as the Earth begins to settle into her new patterns and grids to express the New Earth, and also as she lets go of the old and releases what is no longer needed.
The two important energies will be the Golden Solar energy of the Christ Consciounsess, and the Diamond Light Codes, which are closely connected to the Water Plasma energies of the Galaxy.

It will be a year filled with sparkly magic and power, but gentle power that we focus on Love, Kindness , Support and Self-nurturing.
On the lower levels things will continue to collapse and disintegrate, but we need to focus on where we are going and on building a strong sense of community and circles of light that keep us strong and clear as we build the New.
2024 is after all an 8 year that requires us to be strong and to demonstrate our inner power in all that we do.
Have a beautiful New Year and Be Blessed in 2024.
2024: Roses, Dragons, and Diamonds | Celia Fenn
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/02/2024 02:19:00 AM