Us as We’ve Always Wanted to be | Steve Beckow

I’m late for dinnnnnneeerrrrr….. Extreme sports

By Steve Beckow, December 6, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

On every occasion I meet someone new who’s of a younger generation, I’m impressed.

I just talked with a younger woman in Africa who awakened to Ascension 2-3 years ago. Already she’s teaching online about it.

Whoa! That is fast.

Or the young empath who feels the vibrations of others so deeply that she can’t ride a bus.

Or all the Youtube videos of younger folks pushing every edge in adrenalin/extreme sports. I’m dazzled.

And if you think we had to fight against tough odds as lightworkers among a sleeping world, consider what they face.


The permanent jobs we had, with benefit plans and pensions? Non-existent for them. No corporations, with advancement, increasing salaries, and employment security. No career safe from AI.

In some respects they may as well be in a barren workscape, when you compare it with the one we had … and complained about.

They already live in an exchange economy. It’s we that don’t.

They’ll grow up without any experience of office culture – being on time, keeping promises, closing the communicational loop, reporting where one can be reached – all of these are routine matters to a generation that worked in an office and didn’t consider it anything unusual.

It seems it was. We were trained in ways of working together, towards a common goal that weren’t even visible to me until I observed those raised in a post-automation economy.

Universal basic income will end their financial insecurity. Other sources of funds will, I hope, release their pent-up creativity. I salute them in every respect for remaining consciously alive through all they’ve had to go through just to “make it.”


I spent an evening going through accounts of the executions of deep-state leaders. I’m saddened that we choose to execute anyone, especially when events in consciousness (the Ring of Fire, Ascension) are so close that the Mother will see to their future disposition without our involvement.

She may do it through the galactic halls of justice, as SaLuSa notes:

“Bear in mind that whatever happens where your dark ones are concerned, they will stand in the Halls of Justice before they start a new experience.” (1)

Politicians, media personalities, military officers, etc. – all went before a military tribunal, armed with extensive files of evidence – bank records, recorded calls, email, witnesses. Just this one phase of the Alliance’s operations seems mammoth.

The task ahead also seems unimaginable. The corruption goes on to such a local level, I think we have to see it revealed and realize the extent of it, but I think the final outcome will be the dying off of the dark ones in the face of, probably, the Ring of Fire.

We could afford to wait. They’ll die of heart attacks or any other exit that presents itself.

That isn’t going to happen tomorrow. We only need to get through the time between now and then. And that’s where the work of the military tribunals comes in.


If I understand the matter, their law precedes civilian law. They continue to function when civil law is corrupted, breaks down, or ceases to be administered for other reasons.

In many if not most cases of the leading dark ones I’ve seen, one common theme is that ordinary courts would not touch their cases or, if they did, they rendered a corrupted verdict.

In headlines yesterday: A $500 fine for burning down a Wendy’s Restaurant. A man defending himself with a gun against four burglars, with his grandmother and daughter in the house, is arrested by the police. In this environment, civilian law administration and enforcement appear to have broken down.

I sound like a broken record but I anticipate all of it being addressed by the Ring of Fire, Wave of Love, Singularity, Solar Flare. I don’t think that the heart that harbors evil intention will survive the pressure on it to open to love. Their suffering, I’m led to believe, will get ever more intense the more refined the vibrations become.

So we have built-in guarantees of significant changes. Just not right this minute.

I have an edge in having had a lengthy experience in 2015 of what awaits us. The love and other divine qualities that we then can feel – and that I felt for the most part of 2015 – is not only worth waiting for. It also instantly erases from our mind any suffering we may have experienced.

It’s just as if the curtain goes down on suffering. And it opens up on us as we’ve always wanted to feel and always wanted to be.


(1) SaLuSa, Dec. 10, 2008.
Us as We’ve Always Wanted to be | Steve Beckow Us as We’ve Always Wanted to be | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/07/2023 06:31:00 AM Rating: 5

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