The first step to understanding what human consciousness is, should be your idea that the physical shell is just “clothes” for the human Soul, to which helps her survive in the densely material world.
As for the human brain, it is a material “instrument” with the help of which human consciousness is able to manifest itself outwardly in the world of the third dimension.
We can say that the Mind is a derivative of the brain, and Consciousness is a manifestation of the Soul.
Thus, consciousness is part of the subtle structure of a person, which allows him to interact with the world around him through his physical manifestation - the Mind.
In other words, Consciousness is the “Mind” of the Soul.
How, for example, does the level of a person’s Consciousness differ from the level of his mental development?
The level of consciousness determines the degree of spirituality of a person.
And the level of mental development is a person’s ability to express himself and survive in the three-dimensional world.
And everyone does this differently due to their upbringing, education, and worldview.
At the same time, a comprehensively erudite and well-read person, and therefore very smart, from the point of view of people of the three-dimensional world, can be absolutely unspiritual, since the knowledge he has accumulated does not go into the treasury of his Soul, but into the treasury of his insatiable Ego, which often feeds his pride.
And vice versa, an uneducated person who has not read a single book can have an intuitive feeling for life, people, events and live according to the Laws of the Universe as naturally as he breathes.
Here everything depends mainly on the age of the person’s Soul, on the baggage with which it came to Earth, and not on what the person has already acquired in this incarnation.
But there are rare exceptions when a person’s Consciousness and Mind come into resonance, and then the person manages to achieve harmony in all areas of his life.
This happens when a person’s thoughts, emotions and actions are guided by his Soul, when his intuition goes hand in hand with his earthly knowledge and acquired experience of living in the dual world.
Then his Consciousness, which has Divine origin, adapts to earthly conditions, without lowering its level, but enriching itself with new knowledge and new experience of existence in the world of the third dimension, as a result of which it enters a new round of its development.
To be continued...
With Love, Liberty
"Island of Light" in English
Transition to the Fifth Dimension: What is Consciousness | Liberty
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/20/2023 04:48:00 AM