Meditative Exercises for Harmonizing the Space of your Own Life | Liberty

Meditative exercises for harmonizing the space of your own life and the environment in which you live

“Choose to live in harmony and your world will change”

Dear Ones, the Universe is a benevolent place. If there is disharmony on your way, if you are uncomfortable, if there are obstacles and problems, know: all this was created only by your consciousness. You create discomfort if it is present in your thoughts and feelings, in your internal state. Eliminate discomfort from within - and you will see that it was only an appearance, a shadow before your eyes that obscured true beauty, true love, the true light of the world.

You can choose to live in the light. You can choose to live in harmony. And then you can transform the space of your life. You can fix what needs fixing. You can change what needs changing. You can discover in yourself the wonderful ability to change reality the way you want. Because when you change, the world around you changes. He is your reflection. Bring light and harmony wherever you are. Carry them within yourself, in your soul, in your heart, in your eyes, in every gesture, step, in every action. And you will see that the world brightens, the world smiles at you, the world answers you with the same love that you send to it.

Bring love, illuminate even the darkest corners with it. Say often: “Let there be light!” And you will fulfill your mission as a master, the creator of heaven on Earth. You are already doing this, dears! Carry on! The Spirit always supports you in all good endeavors.

Exercise 1. Life as a multidimensional play space

You can create a special play space for yourself - not physical, but energetic, and if you wish, stay in it as much as you want, and even live in it, performing your usual duties and doing normal things. Those around you will not notice anything special, and your life will be transformed, even if external changes do not appear immediately.

Be alone with yourself and remind yourself of your Divine nature. Bring your attention to the heart area and connect with your Divine Self. Imagine that you, a beautiful angel, are looking at you – a person – as if from the outside. Then imagine that you - a human being - transfer control of yourself and your life to yourself - the Divine angel.

Say something like this: “ Dear angel who is the Divine part of me! Guide me and guide me, please, so that I can feel reliably, protected and at the same time free in your hands and with your help I can easily and liberatedly play any roles that will benefit me .”

Imagine how an angel admires you and approves of you and gives you the right to play any role.

What kind of person would you like to be? How would you like to express yourself, your soul? Do it right now. Imagine that you are an actor on stage and an angel is looking at you - your most loving, most approving, most grateful spectator. You can be yourself, you can do whatever you want, and whatever you do will be met with admiration and applause. You can dance or sing, or just laugh, smile, gesticulate, stretch, walk around the room, or even sit in silence - and enjoy the fact that you are playing the role of a Man on Earth and the angels are applauding you.

Please remember this state. You have created a play space for yourself - it is only yours, and now it is always with you. Wherever you are, you can conjure up the eyes of an angel - your most grateful and loving viewer. Make him happy with your game and feel free, calm and protected. As long as angelic eyes are looking at you, nothing threatens you, and no matter what you do, everything will be wonderful, everything will be in the name of love.

Thank your Divine Self and your angelic helpers for helping you play and perform in the best possible way all the roles that fall to you on Earth.

Do this exercise whenever you wish, and especially when some difficulties arise or life simply seems too complicated, devoid of lightness and joy.

Exercise 2. Your Divine Flourishing

This exercise will help you live in harmony with yourself and the world. Do it as often as you like.

Take a comfortable position, close your eyes. Breathe evenly and measuredly. Imagine that you are in a garden where roses are blooming. Right in front of you you see the bud of this flower. You look at it carefully - its color, shape, perhaps you see drops of dew on the petals with thin veins.

The bud begins to open right before your eyes. It opens slowly, gradually, the petals unfold, and finally the bud turns into a lush flower.

You see the same opening roses everywhere next to you. You feel their aroma and enjoy their beauty.

Look closely at that first flower again. Now it is a fully bloomed rose. Focus your attention on it, try to imagine as many details as possible, consider literally every petal. Now imagine that the rose grows in size until it is as tall as you. You step towards her and disappear into the flower. Now the flower is you, and you are the flower. Imagine what this feeling of blossoming, fragrance, petals opening towards the sun, sky and world is like.

Imagine that you too have opened up, blossomed like a flower, and your aroma is spreading around. Remember that there are many similar roses around and you are part of this garden of beautiful flowers. You are part of the overall flowering. You enjoy this flowering, feeling happiness from it, and realizing that this is the meaning of life - to simply be, bloom and enjoy.

Remember this feeling. Become aware of yourself again in your human body. Mentally reduce the size of the flower you felt you were and place it in the area of your heart. Your bloom will now always be with you. You will never forget this wonderful feeling of merging with the world, blooming and exuding aroma. Your life will become much richer, filled with meaning and joy of being.

Exercise 3. Finding the fullness and depth of every moment of being

We get a feeling of the fullness of life only when we do not pass by life. We can learn something new only when we live in a state of attention and sensitivity to every moment. Very often everyday bustle, worries and problems interfere with this. But at least sometimes, from time to time, we simply need to stop in order to feel the essence of the present moment, penetrate into it and feel life not as movement, running along one line, but as a volume that contains infinity, into which we can immerse ourselves with all our being.

Stay alone with yourself in a calm environment for at least a few minutes. Close your eyes and mentally immerse yourself in your inner space - the microcosm, the world of the soul. Connect with your Divine Self by focusing on the heart area and imagine stepping back from your human self. You are a Spirit, a Divine angel who looks at you as a person a little from the side and from above. You perceive both yourself and the world as if from the inside, you are now focused on the inner world, and not on the outside, you are connected to your depth - to your true spiritual “I”.

As you continue to perceive the world from this depth, feel what is happening around you. What sounds do you hear, how do you feel the weather and season outside the window. Feel that life is going around you, which you perceive from your depths. You are an observer, a contemplator, you are a Spirit who came to Earth for a very short time, and for him everything that happens around is important, valuable and incredibly interesting.

Mentally say: “ I am now leaving linear time. I am eternal. And I watch from eternity. I perceive from the space of eternity and infinity everything that happens here and now .”

Imagine that time no longer has power over you. You have stopped, you are no longer moving with time. Time passes by, but does not affect you. You are in your space of eternity and infinity and watch from there how life flows. You may notice and feel a lot of things that you didn’t notice before. You can feel the delight that you live, that you are on Earth and can perceive everything that happens here. You may feel that all this is temporary, fragile and very fleeting, and therefore immensely valuable. You will feel how important it is not to miss the moment, because after some moment it will be gone and everything that was in that moment will be gone.

With this perception, time will stretch for you. You will feel how much each moment contains. Every moment you will be able to live a whole life - which you previously missed, not noticing its value, fragility and transience.

In the future, you can devote time to such mini-meditations whenever and wherever you have a free minute. You will learn to perceive the world in this way with your eyes open. And then you will notice how much there is in the world that is still unknown to you, how much is interesting, what you want to notice, see, explore.

You can see the whole universe in a drop of dew, you will begin to enjoy what others seem to be little things - summer rain, the sound of a child's laughter, a gust of wind, the rumble of thunder, even the noise of a car passing outside the window or other seemingly quite ordinary phenomena.

This will mean that you are living to your full potential, you are feeling and experiencing the world as befits the Divine Spirit on a wonderful journey through planet Earth.

Exercise 4. Harmonization of energies in the social environment around you

This exercise will help you harmonize the atmosphere where you often visit, for example at your work or in some public, social structures with which you are associated. Perform it if you do not want to leave these structures, but you are uncomfortable being there, you are not happy with the disharmonious atmosphere reigning there. If you wish, with the help of this exercise you can also open up ways for a business, society, or activity that is more suitable for you to appear in your life.

At any time convenient for you, take a relaxed position and close your eyes. Breathe calmly and measuredly. Imagine the place where you work or go on business. Picture yourself and other people doing your usual activities. Imagine filling the entire room with golden yellow light. This radiant, sparkling energy, spreading to every corner, creates an atmosphere of love and peace.

Mentally surround yourself with a cloud of light purple energies. Feel how they remove any discomfort and any dissonant energies from your consciousness. You are in a cloud of high vibrational energy and feel protected. No one and nothing can harm you, no one and nothing can lower your vibration.

Mentally pay attention to that person from your environment, a colleague or ally, or perhaps an opponent, who may have caused you not the best emotions, with whom you have disagreements or conflicts. Imagine that you are also enveloping this person in a cloud of light purple energies. Mentally thank him for the lessons you are learning thanks to him. Send him the energies of peace and love along with your blessings.

The person to whom you direct the violet energies along with the blessing can no longer have any influence on you.

In the same way, send the energies of your love and blessings to all other members of the collective, regardless of what kind of relationship you have with them.

Once again, imagine how the entire room is filled with the energies of light and love. Mentally say: “ So be it .”

If you would like to change your environment, find another activity, another job, come to something more suitable - thank your current job or another organization, team for what they have given you, and imagine how you mentally let go of this situation, this work, these people. Then say out loud or silently: “ Dear God, I am open to change for the better in my life. Tell me which way I should go next. Help a new, better activity (new job, new team) come into my life .” After this, be careful to notice during your daily activities those new doors that will begin to appear before you in your life.

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

To be continued...

With Love, Liberty

"Island of Light" in English

"The Island of Light" in Russian
Meditative Exercises for Harmonizing the Space of your Own Life | Liberty Meditative Exercises for Harmonizing the Space of your Own Life | Liberty Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/07/2023 06:49:00 AM Rating: 5

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