(Golden Age of Gaia)
by James McConnell
I am Yeshua. I come to be with your at this time, this time of great joy, even though you look out upon the world and you do not see the joy upon everybody’s faces.
But at this point, at the point of the year, your time of Christmas, the joy is more and more rampant. The joy spreads more and more. For it is the season. It is the season of love. It is the season of peace. It is the season of joy and of oneness.
Even those that do not understand the term ‘oneness,’ they tend to feel that at this time. Certainly there are those that do not feel that. But overall, across the planet, those that celebrate this time of the year, this season of joy, they feel it.
They feel it, even for a few moments, which then raises the vibration within their bodies, their physical bodies, their astral and etheric bodies. And they feel this joy that many of you are feeling at this time. Because the programming that you have had over the many, not only this lifetime, but over many lifetimes, has brought you to this point where you see this time as a great time of joy, peace, and love, and togetherness, and family coming together, relationship.
Is it a time of my birth as Yeshua those two thousand plus years ago? No. It is not. But it is a time of joy and peace. A time to celebrate. A time to celebrate the coming together of man, of mankind everywhere, where all can join together as one.
This is the true meaning of Christmas, of this season of year that you are in now. My birth occurred much before this in another season, a time of great growth. A time of springing forth.
At this time, now is the time, as I said, to celebrate. Celebrate the togetherness you all have with family coming together, of peace. That is what this is meant to be. It is meant to be the birth of the Christ consciousness within all of you. That’s what I brought to this time those two thousand plus years ago.
I brought the birth of the Christ consciousness into man. And moving beyond that to this time, through all of these lifetimes, the program has been the birth of the Christ consciousness. True, those of the forces of darkness have attempted to do everything they could to hold this back, to make you think of this time as simply a commercialized time.
And the giving of gifts, that is important. Because it brings so much joy, especially to the children’s faces everywhere. They experience the giving part of life. Yes, the receiving part as well. Because both are needed. There must be the giving to have the receiving. And there must be the receiving to have the giving. It is all together as one, thereby bringing all to oneness. The times, my friends, are growing short; the times of the old programming.
The times of the new programming, the programming that you are creating, you yourselves as individuals and as a collective together, are creating this new program. This new program that brings peace throughout the world.
And yes, there shall be peace. That is ordained by the Creator, Him/Herself. But you, each one of you, are creators unto yourselves. Don’t you know that ye are gods, as I’ve said back in those times. And you are. Ye are creators. Creators to bring about whatever it is that you want in your individual lives, for you control that as well as your collective lives where you control that as well.
This is a time, to time to look forward, not back, to look forward, to be in the perfect present now. And in that perfect present now, know that as you look forward, you will have created the creation that you are wanting. You will have created the New Golden Age of Gaia that you are wanting, that you are all looking forward to as you look toward this next year. You look for the many things that will come forth, that will be shared on your time together on New Year’s Eve.
For now, be at peace. Be in oneness. For you are on and in this world. You are not of this world.
You come from many different planets, many different systems, many star systems to be here at this time, this special time of moving forward and bringing about to the collective consciousness of man, bringing about the peace, the love, the oneness that we all share together.
This, my friends, is the true meaning of what I came here for, and what you are all here for now: the birth and the re-birth of the Christ consciousness to this planet once again. You are all carrying this Christ consciousness. Carry it far and wide to all of those that are ready to receive.
I am Yeshua, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you share together with all of your loved ones this wonderful time of the Christ consciousness coming forward once again.
Joy in this Season | Yeshua via James McConnell
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/31/2023 12:11:00 AM