Donna D’Ingillo: What is Christ Consciousness? | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, December 9, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

I asked Donna to tell us about Christ Consciousness. Donna is the Founder of the Institute of Christ Consciousness.


Human mind has spiritual energy flowing through thought and feeling currents. These streams offer vital information from Spirit, highly valuable and pertinent to our lives.

Spirit is the source of everything True, Beautiful, and Good and conveys ideals into our thoughts and feelings, intersecting with our beliefs, helping us ascend into higher information and emotions that uplifts and improves the quality of life.

Individually, spiritual growth is achieved by aligning with these spiritual currents that come from both the personhood and mind of Deity through personal intellectual assent and emotional devotion.

Christ Consciousness is the growing human recognition and blending of the human evolutionary (or ego) nature with the Divine Mind and the Divine Personality that is the source of human happiness and fulfillment.

This awareness accrues over time within the awareness of our thinking and feeling when intention, attention, and open-mindedness are focused on knowing who and what is the “Christed” state of being, sometimes know as “enlightenment.”

As this awareness grows and strengthens within, life becomes more liberated, joyful, peaceful, and love-saturated. Fears which once created confusion, anxiety, isolation, and despair begin to diminish in thought and feeling. You are liberated to live the life you were born to live — as a child of God in a loving and supportive universe.

Is Christ Consciousness Christian? Do I have to be a Christian to achieve Christ Consciousness?

The highest state of intellectual development and emotional maturity is sometimes termed the “Christed” state because it represents the sacredness and purity of the individual who has achieved it. Jesus achieved this in his human life, and was given this term as part of his name as the recognition of his achievement of this spiritual status.

This path is open to anyone regardless of their religious tradition if and when we are open to becoming a living vessel of Love, Truth, and Goodness on the planet and actively striving to attain it.

This is not a term used exclusively in the Christian religion, nor does it mean that you must adhere to the Christian belief system to attain this state. All of the world’s religious traditions offer a path to achieving this “Christed” status, and people are free to find their way in the context of their religious choice.

What is significant to remember here is that we all have our own unique journeys to finding Deity. Our Indwelling Spirits encourage us to grow organically upon our own paths.

Sometimes people find their way within the context of certain beliefs that the major world’s religions offer; some people will find their way by blending some beliefs together in a unique and innovative way.

All ways and paths are honored if they lead a person into becoming more loving, forgiving, patient, kind, compassionate, tolerant, and happy. All paths of love lead to the same Divine Source of all that exists.

We all share the same Deity Creator Parent Source as an individual expression of that Source Personality. We are all moving toward unification with our Source.

Christ Consciousness is the state of awareness of our true nature, our higher self, and our birthright as children of God. Christ Consciousness is our living expression as children of Spirit, revealing and sharing our own divine life plans to manifest upon the earth plane–building heaven to earth.

Living in the reality of our “Christed” self is actually being fully alive and invested in who we truly are. In our “Christed” self we live as inspiration for others to seek this for themselves so we can collectively move our planet forward into the divine plan for planetary transformation and glorification.

Donna D’Ingillo, Founder
Institute of Christ Consciousness

For more information on programs offered, contact Donna at:
Donna D’Ingillo: What is Christ Consciousness? | Steve Beckow Donna D’Ingillo: What is Christ Consciousness? | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/09/2023 05:37:00 PM Rating: 5

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